Valery Radchenko
Featured Publications
Research and Teaching Interests
The increasing incidence of cancer worldwide is pushing clinicians and researchers to broaden and improve the available diagnostic and treatment arsenal. The use of radionuclides in medical imaging and therapy has a long history of research and application. Developing new and more efficient ways to produce medical radionuclides has become a very important task due to the increasing need for novel radiopharmaceuticals. Accelerator production of medical radionuclides along with reactor production are two main routes. Usually, after production, medical radionuclides require radiochemical purification for further pre-clinical and clinical application. TRIUMF is a national and international hub for the production of many medical radionuclides for imaging and therapy of cancer. TRIUMF operates several cyclotrons which are currently utilized for various purposes (including medical isotope production). TRIUMF also operates one of the largest cyclotrons in the world with 500 MeV proton energy; this particle accelerator could enable the production of many novel radionuclides for nuclear medicine.
Our goal is to create effective therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals based on alpha (e. g. 225Ac/213Bi,227Th, 223Ra, 149Tb) and Auger (119Sb, 197Hg,103mRh, 165Er, 155Tb, 135La) emitting radionuclides as well to expand our imaging “toolbox” with additional radionuclides with various half-lives (e.g. 44Sc,90Nb, 89Zr,45Ti,152Tb, 132La).
There are several immediate openings for MSc, PhD, and postdoctoral positions in my group. Please contact me for more details.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Valery Radchenko is a research scientist at TRIUMF and adjunct professor at UBC Chemistry with a primary research focus on production and application of therapeutic radionuclides for Targeted Radionuclide Therapy (TRT). Dr. Radchenko is a radiochemist by training, and graduated from Saint-Petersburg State Technical University (Russian Federation) in collaboration with Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna (Russian Federation). He received his PhD from Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany) in 2013 with a thesis focused on design of production of promising radionuclide for immuno-PET: 90Nb. In realizing the potential of targeted therapy, Dr. Radchenko pursued a postdoctoral position at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico, USA, where he worked as a part of tri-lab effort on production of 225Ac from spallation of thorium with high energy protons. In addition to 225Ac production, he also worked on other efforts including extraction of valuable medical radionuclides from irradiated thorium targets, such as 223/224/225Ra, 230Pa, 103Ru/103mRh and 111Ag, while also testing production of alternative candidates for low energy (≤ 35 MeV) slot at LANL Isotopes Production Facility (44Ti/44Sc and 119Sb). To date, Valery has published over 30 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and was guest editor on several special issues about medical radionuclides