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Patrick, B. O. ; Stevens, C. L. ; Storr, A. ; Thompson, R. C. Structural And Magnetic Properties Of Three Copper(Ii) Pyridine-2,3-Dicarboxylate Coordination Polymers Incorporating The Same Chain Motif. Polyhedron 2003, 22, 3025-3035.
Patrick, B. O. ; Stevens, C. L. ; Storr, A. ; Thompson, R. C. Structural And Magnetic Properties Of Three Copper(Ii) Pyridine-2,3-Dicarboxylate Coordination Polymers Incorporating The Same Chain Motif. Polyhedron 2003, 22, 3025-3035.
Kim, J. ; Chou, K. C. ; Somorjai, G. A. Structure And Dynamics Of Acetonitrile At The Air/liquid Interface Of Binary Solutions Studied By Infrared-Visible Sum Frequency Generation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2003, 107, 1592-1596.
Fushitani, M. ; Momose, T. A Study On Diffusion Of H Atoms In Solid Parahydrogen. LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 2003, 29, 740-743.
Hekmat, O. ; Tokuyasu, K. ; Withers, S. G. Subsite Structure Of The Endo-Type Chitin Deacetylase From A Deuteromycete, Colletotrichum Lindemuthianum: An Investigation Using Steady-State Kinetic Analysis And Ms. BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2003, 374, 369-380.
Overduin, S. D. ; Patey, G. N. Surfactant-Stabilized Structures In Confined Liquids. Journal of Chemical Physics 2003, 119, 8676-8685.
Nieman, J. A. ; Coleman, J. E. ; Wallace, D. J. ; Piers, E. ; Lim, L. Y. ; Roberge, M. ; Andersen, R. J. Synthesis And Antimitotic/cytotoxic Activity Of Hemiasterlin Analogues. Journal of Natural Products 2003, 66, 183-199.
Terazono, Y. ; Dolphin, D. Synthesis And Characterization Of Beta-Trifluoromethyl-Meso-Tetraphenylporphyrins. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2003, 68, 1892-1900.
Selivanova, S. V. ; Dolphin, D. ; van Lier, J. E. ; Kudrevich, S. V. Synthesis And Molecular Structure Of 4-Methoxyphenyl-2 ’-Pyrrolylthione And Its Rhenium Complex. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2003, 349, 58-64.
Kizhakkedathu, J. N. ; Brooks, D. E. Synthesis Of Poly(N,n-Dimethylacrylamide) Brushes From Charged Polymeric Surfaces By Aqueous Atrp: Effect Of Surface Initiator Concentration. Macromolecules 2003, 36, 591-598.
Kizhakkedathu, J. N. ; Goodman, D. ; Brooks, D. E. Synthesis Of Poly(N,n-Dimethylacrylamide) Brushes From Functionalized Latex Surfaces By Aqueous Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization. In Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Matyjaszewski, K. ; Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization; Amer Chemical Soc: Washington, 2003; Vol. 854, pp. 316-330.
Terazono, Y. ; Dolphin, D. Synthesis Of The Hemin Of Beta-Tetrakis(Trifluoromethyl)-Meso-Tetraphenylporphyrin And Its Evaluation As A P-450 Mimic. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2003, 346, 261-264.
Huxham, L. A. ; Cheu, E. L. S. ; Patrick, B. O. ; James, B. R. The Synthesis, Structural Characterization, And In Vitro Anti-Cancer Activity Of Chloro(P-Cymene) Complexes Of Ruthenium(Ii) Containing A Disulfoxide Ligand. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2003, 352, 238-246.
Love, J. A. ; Sanford, M. S. ; Day, M. W. ; Grubbs, R. H. Synthesis, Structure, And Activity Of Enhanced Initiators For Olefin Metathesis. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2003, 125, 10103-10109.
Makeiff, D. A. ; Sherman, J. C. Template Effect Where 1-3 Molecules Drive Formation Of A Trimer Carceplex. Chemistry-a European Journal 2003, 9, 3253-3262.
Pamplin, C. B. ; Legzdins, P. Thermal Activation Of Hydrocarbon C-H Bonds By Cp*m(No) Complexes Of Molybdenum And Tungsten. Accounts of Chemical Research 2003, 36, 223-233.
Ng, S. H. K. ; Adams, C. S. ; Hayton, T. W. ; Legzdins, P. ; Patrick, B. O. Thermal Activation Of Hydrocarbon C-H Bonds Initiated By A Tungsten Allyl Complex. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2003, 125, 15210-15223.
Chong, K. C. W. ; Scheffer, J. R. Thermal And Photochemical Transformation Of Conformational Chirality Into Configurational Chirality In The Crystalline State. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2003, 125, 4040-4041.
Jahn, M. ; Marles, J. ; WARREN, R. A. J. ; Withers, S. G. Thioglycoligases: Mutant Glycosidases For Thioglycoside Synthesis. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2003, 42, 352+.
Hu, Q. J. ; Melville, T. C. ; Hepburn, J. W. Threshold Ion-Pair Production Spectroscopy Of Hcl/dcl: Born-Oppenheimer Breakdown In Hcl And Hcl+ And Dynamics Of Photoion-Pair Formation. Journal of Chemical Physics 2003, 119, 8938-8945.
Hayton, T. W. ; McNeil, W. S. ; Patrick, B. O. ; Legzdins, P. Toward Binary Nitrosyls: Distinctly Bent Fe-N-O Linkages In Base-Stabilized Fe(No)(3)(+) Complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2003, 125, 12935-12944.
Shizgal, B. D. ; Jung, J. H. Towards The Resolution Of The Gibbs Phenomena. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2003, 161, 41-65.
van Altena, I. ; Van Soest, R. ; Roberge, M. ; Andersen, R. J. Trisphaerolide A, A Novel Polyketide From The Dominican Sponge Erylus Trisphaerus. Journal of Natural Products 2003, 66, 561-563.
Watts, A. G. ; Damager, I. ; Amaya, M. L. ; Buschiazzo, A. ; Alzari, P. ; Frasch, A. C. ; Withers, S. G. Trypanosoma Cruzi Trans-Sialidase Operates Through A Covalent Sialyl-Enzyme Intermediate: Tyrosine Is The Catalytic Nucleophile. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2003, 125, 7532-7533.
Shaver, M. P. ; Thomson, R. K. ; Patrick, B. O. ; Fryzuk, M. D. Vanadium And Niobium Diamidophosphine Complexes And Their Reactivity. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 2003, 81, 1431-1437.