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Kliegel, W. ; Metge, J. ; Rettig, S. J. ; Trotter, J. Novel Boron Chelate Complexes From The Reaction Of Salicylaldehydes, Tertiary Amines, And Diphenylborinic Or Phenylboronic Acid. Crystal And Molecular Structures Of Two New Types Of Chelated Organoborate Salts. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1997, 75, 1203-1214.
Olovsson, G. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. ; Wu, C. H. Novel Differences Between The Solid State And Solution Phase Photochemistry Of 1,2-Cyclodecanedione. Tetrahedron Letters 1997, 38, 6549-6552.
Olovsson, G. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. ; Wu, C. H. Novel Differences Between The Solid State And Solution Phase Photochemistry Of 1,2-Cyclodecanedione. Tetrahedron Letters 1997, 38, 6549-6552.
Walker, K. A. ; Gerry, M. C. L. Nuclear Hyperfine Interactions In The Microwave Spectrum Of Aluminium Isocyanide. Chemical Physics Letters 1997, 278, 9-15.
Feldmann, J. ; Cullen, W. R. Occurrence Of Volatile Transition Metal Compounds In Landfill Gas: Synthesis Of Molybdenum And Tungsten Carbonyls In The Environment. Environmental Science & Technology 1997, 31, 2125-2129.
Guarna, M. M. ; Lesnicki, G. J. ; Tam, B. M. ; Robinson, J. ; Radziminski, C. Z. ; Hasenwinkle, D. ; Boraston, A. ; Jervis, E. ; MacGillivray, R. T. A. ; Turner, R. F. B. ; Kilburn, D. G. On-Line Monitoring And Control Of Methanol Concentration In Shake-Flask Cultures Of Pichia Pastoris. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 1997, 56, 279-286.
Steimle, T. C. ; Marr, A. J. ; Xin, J. ; Merer, A. J. ; Athanassenas, K. ; Gillet, D. Optical Detection Of Yttrium Dicarbide, A ’’T-Shaped’’ Molecule. Journal of Chemical Physics 1997, 106, 2060-2066.
Barnes, M. ; Merer, A. J. ; Metha, G. F. Optical-Optical Double Resonance Spectroscopy Of Jet-Cooled Tio: New (3)Phi And (3)Pi States Near 4 Ev. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 1997, 181, 180-193.
Abernethy, C. D. ; Bottomley, F. ; Decken, A. ; Thompson, R. C. Organometallic Halides: Preparation And Physical And Chemical Properties Of Tris[(Eta-Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)Dichlorovanadium], [(Eta-C5Me5)V(Mu-Cl)(2)](3). Organometallics 1997, 16, 1865-1869.
Rendell, J. C. T. ; Zimmerman, D. S. ; vanderEst, A. J. ; Burnell, E. E. Orientational Order Of 1,3-Dichloro-2-Ethenylbenzene In Liquid Crystal Solvents. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1997, 75, 1156-1161.
Wang*, Y. A. Padé Approximants In Density-Functional Theory. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1997, 268, 76-85.
Hu, C. H. ; Chong, D. P. ; Casida, M. E. The Parametrized Second-Order Green Function Times Screened Interaction (Pgw2) Approximation For Calculation Of Outer Valence Ionization Potentials. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 1997, 85, 39-46.
Fu, T. Y. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. Phenyl[2,4,6-Tris(1-Methylethyl)Phenyl]Methanethione And 4-Methoxyphenyl[2,4,6-Tris(1-Methylethyl)Phenyl]Methanethione. Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications 1997, 53, 1257-1259.
Fu, T. Y. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. Phenyl[2,4,6-Tris(1-Methylethyl)Phenyl]Methanethione And 4-Methoxyphenyl[2,4,6-Tris(1-Methylethyl)Phenyl]Methanethione. Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications 1997, 53, 1257-1259.
Au, J. W. ; Cooper, G. ; Brion, C. E. Photoabsorption And Photoionization Of The Valence And Inner (P 2P, 2S) Shells Of Pf3: Absolute Oscillator Strengths And Dipole-Induced Breakdown Pathways. CHEMICAL PHYSICS 1997, 215, 397-418.
Scheffer, J. R. ; Ihmels, H. Photochemistry Of 11,12-Bis(Aminomethyl)-9,10-Dihydro-9,10-Ethenoanthracene In Solution And In The Solid State. Liebigs Annalen-Recueil 1997, 1925-1929.
Dolphin, D. ; Traylor, T. G. ; Xie, L. Y. Polyhaloporphyrins: Unusual Ligands For Metals And Metal-Catalyzed Oxidations. Accounts of Chemical Research 1997, 30, 251-259.
Lawson, S. L. ; WAKARCHUK, W. W. ; Withers, S. G. Positioning The Acid/base Catalyst In A Glycosidase: Studies With Bacillus Circulans Xylanase. BIOCHEMISTRY 1997, 36, 2257-2265.
BritzMcKibbin, P. ; Chen, D. D. Y. Prediction Of The Migration Behavior Of Analytes In Capillary Electrophoresis Based On Three Fundamental Parameters. Journal of Chromatography A 1997, 781, 23-34.
Campbell, R. E. ; Sala, R. F. ; vandeRijn, I. V. ; Tanner, M. E. Properties And Kinetic Analysis Of Udp-Glucose Dehydrogenase From Group A Streptococci - Irreversible Inhibition By Udp-Chloroacetol. Journal of Biological Chemistry 1997, 272, 3416-3422.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Skibsted, J. ; Grondey, H. ; Altenschildesche, H. M. zu Pulsed Field Gradient Multiple-Quantum Mas Nmr Spectroscopy Of Half-Integer Spin Quadrupolar Nuclei. Chemical Physics Letters 1997, 281, 44-48.
Walker, K. A. ; Ogata, T. ; Jager, W. ; Gerry, M. C. L. ; Ozier, I. Pure Rotational Spectra Of The Van Der Waals Complexes Ne-Co, Kr-Co And Xe-Co. Journal of Chemical Physics 1997, 106, 7519-7530.
Shizgal, B. D. ; Chen, H. L. The Quadrature Discretization Method In The Solution Of The Fokker-Planck Equation With Nonclassical Basis Functions. Journal of Chemical Physics 1997, 107, 8051-8063.
Shizgal, B. D. The Quadrature Discretization Method (Qdm) In The Calculation Of The Rotational-Vibrational Transitions In Rare Gas Dimers. Theochem-Journal of Molecular Structure 1997, 391, 131-139.
Peng, X. J. ; Bowser, M. T. ; BritzMcKibbin, P. ; Bebault, G. M. ; Morris, J. R. ; Chen, D. D. Y. Quantitative Description Of Analyte Migration Behavior Based On Dynamic Complexation In Capillary Electrophoresis With One Or More Additives. Electrophoresis 1997, 18, 706-716.