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Bernhardt, E. ; Finze, M. ; Willner, H. ; Lehmann, C. W. ; Aubke, F. [Co(Co)(5)][(Cf3)(3)Bf]: A Stable Salt Of A Homoleptic Trigonal-Bipyramidal Metal-Carbonyl Cation. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2003, 42, 2077-2079.
Martin, S. T. ; Bertram, A. K. Comment On "effects Of The Physical State Of Tropospheric Ammonium-Sulfate-Nitrate Particles In Global Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2003, 3, S2445-S2448.
Dunsiger, S. R. ; Kiefl, R. F. ; Chakhalian, J. A. ; Chow, K. H. ; Gardner, J. S. ; Greedan, J. E. ; MacFarlane, W. A. ; Miller, R. I. ; Morris, G. D. ; Price, A. N. ; Raju, N. P. ; Sonier, J. E. A Comparison Of The Local Magnetic Susceptibility In Rare Earth Pyrochlores. Physica B: Condensed Matter 2003, 326, 475 - 479.
Britz-McKibbin, P. ; Ichihashi, T. ; Tsubota, K. ; Chen, D. D. Y. ; Terabe, S. Complementary On-Line Preconcentration Strategies For Steroids By Capillary Electrophoresis. Journal of Chromatography A 2003, 1013, 65-76.
Mao, D. M. ; Babu, K. R. ; Chen, Y. L. ; Douglas, D. J. Conformations Of Gas-Phase Lysozyme Ions Produced From Two Different Solution Conformations. Analytical Chemistry 2003, 75, 1325-1330.
Daub, C. D. ; Camp, P. J. ; Patey, G. N. The Constant-Volume Heat Capacity Of Near-Critical Fluids With Long-Range Interactions: A Discussion Of Different Monte Carlo Estimates. Journal of Chemical Physics 2003, 118, 4164-4168.
Chowdhary, R. K. ; Sharif, I. ; Chansarkar, N. ; Dolphin, D. ; Ratkay, L. ; Delaney, S. ; Meadows, H. Correlation Of Photosensitizer Delivery To Lipoproteins And Efficacy In Tumor And Arthritis Mouse Models; Comparison Of Lipid-Based And Pluronic P123 Formulations. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2003, 6, 198-204.
Johansson, P. ; Denman, S. ; Brumer, H. ; Kallas, A. M. ; Henriksson, H. ; Bergfors, T. ; Teeri, T. T. ; Jones, T. A. Crystallization And Preliminary X-Ray Analysis Of A Xyloglucan Endotransglycosylase From Populus Tremula X Tremuloides. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-BIOLOGICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 2003, 59, 535-537.
Chen, Q. Q. ; Dolphin, D. Cyclooctapyrroles, Novel Macrocycles Containing Biladiene-A,c Units. Tetrahedron 2003, 59, 871-875.
Huttunen, H. K. ; Sherman, J. C. De Novo Four-Helix Bundle Proteins. Biopolymers 2003, 71, P067.
Lehr, C. R. ; Polishchuk, E. ; Radoja, U. ; Cullen, W. R. Demethylation Of Methylarsenic Species By Mycobacterium Neoaurum. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2003, 17, 831-834.
Lee, S. S. ; Yu, S. ; Withers, S. G. Detailed Dissection Of A New Mechanism For Glycoside Cleavage: Alpha-1,4-Glucan Lyase. BIOCHEMISTRY 2003, 42, 13081-13090.
Takahata, Y. ; Chong, D. P. Dft Calculation Of Core-Electron Binding Energies. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 2003, 133, 69-76.
Fryzuk, M. D. ; Shaver, M. P. ; Patrick, B. O. Diamidophosphine Complexes Of Niobium(Iii) And (Iv): Imide Formation Via Ancillary Ligand Decomposition. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2003, 350, 293-298.
Foo, S. J. L. ; Jones, N. D. ; Patrick, B. O. ; James, B. R. Diastereoselective Formation Of A Dipalladium(I) Complex Supported By A Bridging Tetradentate Ligand, And Oxidative Addition Of Rs-H Across A Phosphine-Bridged Pd-I-Pd-I Bond. Chemical Communications 2003, 988-989.
Queiroz, S. L. ; Batista, A. A. ; de Araujo, M. P. ; Bianchini, R. C. ; Oliva, G. ; Ellena, J. ; James, B. R. Dichloro(Diphosphine)(2-Pyridyl-Ketone)Ruthenium(Ii) Complexes. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 2003, 81, 1263-1269.
Fryzuk, M. D. ; Kozak, C. M. ; Patrick, B. O. Dinuclear Organometallic Dinitrogen Complexes Of Niobium. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2003, 345, 53-62.
Specht, A. A. ; Blades, M. W. Direct Determination Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Solid Matrices Using Laser Desorption/laser Photoionization Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 2003, 14, 562-570.
Varrot, A. ; Tarling, C. A. ; Macdonald, J. M. ; Stick, R. V. ; Zechel, D. L. ; Withers, S. G. ; Davies, G. J. Direct Observation Of The Protonation State Of An Imino Sugar Glycosidase Inhibitor Upon Binding. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2003, 125, 7496-7497.
Hu, T. Q. Discovery And Use Of Simple Fibre-Reactive Yellowing Inhibitors. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science 2003, 29, 267-274.
Teeri, T. T. ; Brumer, H. Discovery, Characterisation And Applications Of Enzymes From The Wood-Forming Tissues Of Poplar: Glycosyl Transferases And Xyloglucan Endotransglycosylases. BIOCATALYSIS AND BIOTRANSFORMATION 2003, 21, 173-179.
Bayly, S. R. ; Xu, Z. Q. ; Patrick, B. O. ; Rettig, S. J. ; Pink, M. ; Thompson, R. C. ; Orvig, C. Dlf Complexes With Uniform Coordination Geometry: Structural And Magnetic Properties Of An Lnni2 Core Supported By A Heptadentate Amine Phenol Ligand. Inorganic Chemistry 2003, 42, 1576-1583.
Bayly, S. R. ; Xu, Z. Q. ; Patrick, B. O. ; Rettig, S. J. ; Pink, M. ; Thompson, R. C. ; Orvig, C. Dlf Complexes With Uniform Coordination Geometry: Structural And Magnetic Properties Of An Lnni2 Core Supported By A Heptadentate Amine Phenol Ligand. Inorganic Chemistry 2003, 42, 1576-1583.
Nesnow, S. ; Roop, B. C. ; Lambert, G. ; Kadiiska, M. ; Mason, R. P. ; Cullen, W. R. ; Mass, M. J. Dna Damage Induced By Methylated Trivalent Arsenicals Is Mediated By Reactive Oxygen Species. Toxicological Sciences 2003, 72, 1314.
Chowdhary, R. K. ; Shariff, I. ; Dolphin, D. Drug Release Characteristics Of Lipid Based Benzoporphyrin Derivative. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2003, 6, 13-19.