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Wickenheiser, E. B. ; Cullen, W. R. Independence Of The Ethylene Ligands In Bis(Eta-2-Ethene)Rhodium(I) Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 1990, 29, 4671-4676.
SZE, K. H. ; Brion, C. E. Inner-Shell And Valence-Shell Electronic Excitation Of Sf6, Sef6 And Tef6 By High-Energy Electron-Impact - An Investigation Of Potential Barrier Effects. CHEMICAL PHYSICS 1990, 140, 439-472.
ZHANG, W. ; SZE, K. H. ; Brion, C. E. ; TONG, X. M. ; LI, J. M. Inner-Shell Electron-Energy Loss Spectra Of No2 At High-Resolution - Comparison With Multichannel Quantum Defect Calculations Of Dipole Oscillator-Strengths And Transition Energies. CHEMICAL PHYSICS 1990, 140, 265-279.
Attard, P. ; Wei, D. G. ; Patey, G. N. ; Torrie, G. M. The Interaction Between Macroparticles In Molecular Fluids. Journal of Chemical Physics 1990, 93, 7360-7368.
Kempton, J. R. ; Marzke, R. F. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Gonzalez, A. C. ; Leung, S. K. ; Pan, J. J. ; Percival, P. W. ; Senba, M. ; Tempelmann, A. Interaction Of Muonium With Oxygen On Silica Powder Surfaces. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 65, 811-817.
Cicha, W. V. ; Lee, K. C. ; Aubke, F. The Interpretation Of Electrical-Conductivity Measurements Of 3 Monoprotonic Acids In Fluorosulfuric Acid. Journal of Solution Chemistry 1990, 19, 609-622.
Delikatny, E. J. ; Burnell, E. E. An Investigation Of Solute Liquid-Crystal Interaction In Hydrogen-Bonded Complexes Of Palmitic Acid And Para-Octyloxybenzoic Acid. Liquid Crystals 1990, 7, 797-813.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Grondey, H. ; Feng, Y. ; Kokotailo, G. T. Investigation Of The 3-Dimensional Si-O-Si Connectivities In The Monoclinic Form Of Zeolite Zsm-5 By 2-Dimensional Si-29 Inadequate Experiments. Chemical Physics Letters 1990, 173, 211-215.
Oehler, U. M. ; Janzen, E. G. ; Betteridge, K. ; Fyfe, C. ; Towner, R. A. ; Savage, N. ; Scodras, J. Investigations Of The Horse Conceptus Via Magnetic-Resonance-Imaging (Mri) And Nitroxide Spin Labels As Contrast Agents. Free Radical Research Communications 1990, 9, 391-397.
Richter, A. M. ; Waterfield, E. ; Jain, A. K. ; Sternberg, E. D. ; Dolphin, D. ; Levy, J. G. Invitro Evaluation Of Phototoxic Properties Of 4 Structurally Related Benzoporphyrin Derivatives. Photochemistry and Photobiology 1990, 52, 495-500.
Joshi, A. M. ; James, B. R. Kinetics And Mechanism Of The Hydrogenolysis Of A Ruthenium(Ii) Acyl Complex. Organometallics 1990, 9, 199-205.
Lam, Z. ; Comisarow, M. B. ; Dutton, G. G. S. ; Parolis, H. ; Parolis, L. A. S. ; Bjarnason, A. ; Weil, D. A. Laser Desorption Ionization Fourier-Transform Ion-Cyclotron Resonance Mass-Spectrometry Of Carbohydrates .1. Bacterial Oligosaccharides Containing Neuraminic Acid Or Pyruvic-Acid Acetal Groups. Analytica Chimica Acta 1990, 241, 187-199.
Grimsby, D. T. V. ; Wu, Y. K. ; Mitchell, K. A. R. A Leed Analysis For The Ni(111)-(2 X 2)-O Surface-Structure - Evidence For Oxygen-Induced Relaxations Of Both Vertical And Lateral Types In The Close Packed Surface-Layer Of Nickel. Surface Science 1990, 232, 51-55.
Parkin, S. R. ; Zeng, H. C. ; Zhou, M. Y. ; Mitchell, K. A. R. Low-Energy Electron-Diffraction Crystallographic Determination For The Cu(110)2X1-O Surface-Structure. Physical Review B 1990, 41, 5432-5435.
Withers, S. G. ; RUPITZ, K. Measurement Of Active-Site Homology Between Potato And Rabbit Muscle Alpha-Glucan Phosphorylases Through Use Of A Linear Free-Energy Relationship. BIOCHEMISTRY 1990, 29, 6405-6409.
Kusalik, P. G. ; Patey, G. N. On The Molecular Theory Of Aqueous-Electrolyte Solutions .4. Effects Of Solvent Polarizability. Journal of Chemical Physics 1990, 92, 1345-1358.
Lyerla, J. R. ; Economy, J. ; Maresch, G. G. ; Muhlebach, A. ; Yannoni, C. S. ; Fyfe, C. A. Molecular-Motion In The Homopolyester Of 4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid. Acs Symposium Series 1990, 435, 359-368.
Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Senba, M. ; Reid, I. D. ; Mikula, R. J. Muonium Addition-Reactions In The Gas-Phase - Quantum Tunneling In Mu+C2H4 And Mu+C2D4. Journal of Chemical Physics 1990, 93, 1732-1740.
Kempton, J. R. ; Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Gonzalez, A. C. ; Pan, J. J. ; Tempelmann, A. ; Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. Muonium Formation In Xenon And Argon Up To 60 Atmospheres. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 65, 801-809.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Grondey, H. ; Feng, Y. ; Kokotailo, G. T. Natural-Abundance 2-Dimensional Si-29 Mas Nmr Investigation Of The 3-Dimensional Bonding Connectivities In The Zeolite Catalyst Zsm-5. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1990, 112, 8812-8820.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Feng, Y. ; Gies, H. ; Grondey, H. ; Kokotailo, G. T. Natural-Abundance 2-Dimensional Solid-State Si-29 Nmr Investigations Of 3-Dimensional Lattice Connectivities In Zeolite Structures. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1990, 112, 3264-3270.
Shizgal, B. Negative Differential Conductivity Of Electrons In He-Xe And He-Kr Mixtures. Chemical Physics 1990, 147, 271-279.
BAWAGAN, A. O. ; Brion, C. E. A New Method For Incorporating Momentum Resolution Effects And Defining The Momentum Scale In Electron Momentum Spectroscopy. CHEMICAL PHYSICS 1990, 144, 167-178.
Cicha, W. V. ; Aubke, F. Niobium(V) And Tantalum(V) Fluoride Derivatives Of Fluorosulfuric And Trifluoromethylsulfuric Acids. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 1990, 47, 317-332.
Pokkuluri, P. R. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. Novel Photorearrangements Of Bridgehead-Substituted Dibenzobarrelene Derivatives In Solution And The Solid-State. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1990, 112, 3676-3677.