Eva Nichols
Featured Publications
Porphyrin Aggregation Under Homogeneous Conditions Inhibits Electrocatalysis: A Case Study On Co2 Reduction. ACS Central Science 2024.
Linear Free Energy Relationships And Transition State Analysis Of Co2 Reduction Catalysts Bearing Second Coordination Spheres With Tunable Acidity. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2023, 145, 17176-17186.
Templating Bicarbonate In The Second Coordination Sphere Enhances Electrochemical Co2 Reduction Catalyzed By Iron Porphyrins. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022, 144, 11656-11663.
Interfacial Acid–Base Equilibria And Electric Fields Concurrently Probed By In Situ Surface-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143, 10778-10792.
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Curriculum Vitae
B.S. Chemistry, California Institute of Technology (2012)
Ph.D. Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley (2017)
NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University (2018-2020)
Molecularly Defined Electrodes Host A Concert Of Protons And Electrons. Nature Chemistry 2024, 16.
Characterizing Catalyst Function And Transformations In The Plasma Reduction Of Co2 On Atomic Layer Deposition-Synthesized Catalysts. RSC Appl. Interfaces 2024, 1, 552-563.
Porphyrin Aggregation Under Homogeneous Conditions Inhibits Electrocatalysis: A Case Study On Co2 Reduction. ACS Central Science 2024.
Electrochemistry Cracks The P–O Bond: Sustainable Reduction Of Phosphates To Phosphorus. ACS Central Science 2023, 9, 343-345.
35+1 Challenges In Materials Science Being Tackled By Pis Under 35(Ish) In 2023. Matter 2023, 6, 2480-2487.
Linear Free Energy Relationships And Transition State Analysis Of Co2 Reduction Catalysts Bearing Second Coordination Spheres With Tunable Acidity. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2023, 145, 17176-17186.
Free Energies Of Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Reagents And Their Applications. Chemical Reviews 2022, 122, 1-49.
Electrolyte Cation Effects On Interfacial Acidity And Electric Fields. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2022, 126, 8477-8488.
Templating Bicarbonate In The Second Coordination Sphere Enhances Electrochemical Co2 Reduction Catalyzed By Iron Porphyrins. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022, 144, 11656-11663.
Interfacial Acid–Base Equilibria And Electric Fields Concurrently Probed By In Situ Surface-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143, 10778-10792.
Hybrid Catalysts For Artificial Photosynthesis: Merging Approaches From Molecular, Materials, And Biological Catalysis. Accounts of Chemical Research 2020, 53, 575-587.
Urea-Based Multipoint Hydrogen-Bond Donor Additive Promotes Electrochemical Co2 Reduction Catalyzed By Nickel Cyclam. Organometallics 2019, 38, 1213-1218.
Reticular Electronic Tuning Of Porphyrin Active Sites In Covalent Organic Frameworks For Electrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140, 1116-1122.
Positional Effects Of Second-Sphere Amide Pendants On Electrochemical Co2 Reduction Catalyzed By Iron Porphyrins. Chem. Sci. 2018, 9, 2952-2960.
Chelating N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands Enable Tuning Of Electrocatalytic Co2 Reduction To Formate And Carbon Monoxide: Surface Organometallic Chemistry. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2018, 57, 4981-4985.
Iron Porphyrins Embedded Into A Supramolecular Porous Organic Cage For Electrochemical Co2 Reduction In Water. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2018, 57, 9684-9688.
Supramolecular Porphyrin Cages Assembled At Molecular–Materials Interfaces For Electrocatalytic Co Reduction. ACS Central Science 2017, 3, 1032-1040.
A Molecular Surface Functionalization Approach To Tuning Nanoparticle Electrocatalysts For Carbon Dioxide Reduction. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016, 138, 8120-8125.
Nanowire–Bacteria Hybrids For Unassisted Solar Carbon Dioxide Fixation To Value-Added Chemicals. Nano Letters 2015, 15, 3634-3639.
Covalent Organic Frameworks Comprising Cobalt Porphyrins For Catalytic Co2 Reduction In Water. Science 2015, 349, 1208–1213.
Hybrid Bioinorganic Approach To Solar-To-Chemical Conversion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2015.
Supramolecular Ga4L612– Cage Photosensitizes 1,3-Rearrangement Of Encapsulated Guest Via Photoinduced Electron Transfer. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015, 137, 10128-10131.
Bright, Emission Tunable Fluorescent Dyes Based On Imidazole And Π-Expanded Imidazole. J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 20649-20664.