News & Events


Maxxam Award

Congratulations to Dr. David Chen!

Congratulations to Dr. David Chen! He is the recipient of the 2015 Maxxam Award. The award will be presented to Dr. David Chen during the 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, which is taking place in Ottawa, Ont. from June 13-17, 2015. 

The Maxxam Award is presented annually to a scientist residing in Canada who has made a distinguished contribution to the field of analytical chemistry.



CSC Winner

Congratulations to Dr. Laurel Schafer!

Congratulations to Dr. Laurel Shafer. She is the recipient of the 2015 Clara Benson Award. The award will be presented to Dr. Laurel Shafer during the 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, which is taking place in Ottawa, Ont. from June 13-17, 2015. 

The Clara Benson Award is sponsored by the Canadian Council of University Chemistry Chairs (CCUCC) and is presented to recognize a woman who has made a distinguished contribution...

American Association of the Advancement of Science

Congratulations to Dr.Laurel Schafer!


Professor Laurel Schafer was elected as a 2014 AAAS Fellow (American Association of the Advancement of Science), which recognizes her contributions to innovation, education and scientific leadership. Dr. Schafer will be presented with a certificate and a pin in February in San Jose CA at the AAAS meeting.

More information:

Neil Bartlett

2014’s American Chemical Society Division of the History of Chemistry’s Citation for Chemical Breakthrough awards


The University of British Columbia, Department of Chemistry has been selected to receive one of 2014’s American Chemical Society Division of the History of Chemistry’s Citation for Chemical Breakthrough awards. This award program honors publications, patents and books that have made breakthroughs in chemistry and the molecular sciences that have been revolutionary in concept, broad in scope, and long-term in impact.


We are being honored for: 

N. Bartlett, ...

Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research​ (MSFHR) 2014 scholar award

Congratulations to Russ Algar!


Congratulations to Russ Algar, he is the recipient of Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research​ (MSFHR) 2014 Scholar Award. 

Nanoparticle-based technologies for point-of-care diagnostics and biological research​

One of the many challenges that Canada faces is the quality and accessibility of health care in rural and remote areas, particularly those in northern British Columbia and many other parts of Canada. There is a shortage of physicians in remote communities,...

Mark J. MacLachlan

Congratulations Dr. Mark MacLachlan!

Congratulations to Dr. Mark MacLachlan. He has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada by his peers in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Division of the Academy of Science. 

To learn more about Fellows please visit:


The American Society of Pharmacognosy

Congratulations Professor Raymond Andersen!

Dr. Andersen is the 2015 recipient of The American Society of Pharmacognosy, Norman R. Farnsworth Research Achievement Award. This award, given in recognition of outstanding lifetime contributions to research in natural products chemistry, is the highest and most distinguished award given by the Society. 


Congratulations Professor Raymond Andersen!

2014 Canadian Chemistry Olympiad

2014 Canadian Chemistry Olympiad

Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (CCO) selects and organizes the Canadian team each year to go the International Chemistry Olympiad. In the ICHO 2014, held in Hanoi, Vietnam from July 20th to 29th, all the four high school students in the Canadian team won medals, two with silver and 2 with bronze.  Todd Huang, son of the departments MSc graduates won a bronze.  

Final results:

Award Winner

Postdoc receives UBC Science Travel Award


Congratulations to Rodney Smith who has received a Faculty of Science Postdoctoral Travel Award.

As part of UBC's ongoing efforts to support young research talent, the Faculty of Graduate Studies and UBC Science launched this award for Postdoctoral Fellows in 2011. It is designed to assist PDFs with travel to conferences in order to present research performed at UBC. Approximately four awards are...

Léanne Racico

Congratulations Léanne Racicot!

Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award 

Congratulations to UBC Chemistry graduate student Léanne Racicot for being awarded the prestigious Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award for her work in mentoring first year international graduate students in their new instructional function in the CHEM 121/123 course.  Racicot was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec where she...

 Zippo from Perrin lab.

Congratulations Zippo and Yuan!

2013 Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad

Congratulations to Zippo Liu, Perrin Research Group, and Yuan You, Bertram Research Group for being awarded the 2013 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad. The award is sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Education and further encourages international students to return to China for work or to serve the country in other channels after receiving their degree abroad. Only those with...

CSC Student Chapter Merit Award

Congratulations to the UBC Undergraduate Chemistry Society!

CSC Student Chapter Merit Award

Congratulations to the UBC Undergraduate Chemistry Society for being awarded the 2014 Canadian Society for Chemistry Student Chapter Merit Award. The award will be presented next month at the 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition and will be announced in the upcoming issue of ACCN, the Canadian Chemical News,

Dr. Lawrence Mcintosh

Congratulations to Dr. Lawrence McIntosh!

2014 Faculty of Medicine Award 

Congratulations to Professor Dr. Lawrence McIntosh for being awarded the 2014 Faculty of Medicine Award for Excellence in Mentoring Early Career Faculty. 


 Dr.Stephen Withers UBC

Congratulations Dr.Stephen Withers

2014 Killam Research Fellowship

Congratulations to Dr. Stephen Withers for being awarded the 2014 Canada Council for the Arts Killam Fellowship. 

Dr. Stephen Withers is a world leader in the emerging field of engineering carbohydrate-modifying enzymes. He proposes a creative and original approach in his project, Development and use of ultra-high-throughput screens for directed evolution and metagenomics. He will go beyond the...

Dr.Chris Addison

Congratulations Dr.Chris Addison!

UBC Killam Teaching Prize

Congratulations to Dr. Chris Addison who was recently awarded a 2013-2014 UBC Killam Teaching Prize. UBC Killam Teaching Prizes are awarded annually, from the Killam Endowment Fund, to faculty nominated by students, colleagues and alumni in recognition of excellence in teaching.

Congratulations Chris! 


2013 Chemistry Department TA Award

2013 Chemistry Department TA Award

Drum roll please....The 2013 Chemistry Department TA Award recipients are:  
Zhengu Chen, Leanne Racicot, Amber Shukaliak, Andrea Terpstra and David Weekes.




Congratulations to William Cullen!

The 2014 winner of the CIC Environment Division R&D Award

William R. Cullen received a PhD from Cambridge University in 1959. He joined the Department of Chemistry at University of British Columbia (UBC) in 1958. He was promoted to professor in 1969 and received the CSC Noranda Award in 1974. In 1998, he became professor emeritus at UBC and adjunct professor at the Royal Military College of Canada in 2000. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. His research has focused on...

Eric Price

Congratulations to Eric Price!

Eric  won a NSERC postdoctoral fellowship (PDF) to conduct research this summer at the US institution Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) with Dr. Jason S. Lewis. He will be doing research with radioactive metals towards new imaging agents and treatments for cancer.  Specifically, Eric will be working with the positron emission tomography (PET) imaging isotope Zr-89, towards antibody-based imaging of gastric cancer.  He also hopes to study the isotopes Y-90 and Ac-225 for...

Chris Orvig awarded a 2013 Jacob Biely Research Prize for distinguished record of published research

Congratulations to Professor Chris Orvig for being awarded the 2013 Jacob Biely Research Prize, UBC’s highest honour for research.

The 2014 reception will be held Tuesday, March 11 in the Glass Lobby of the Chan Centre.

Laurel Schafer awarded a 2013 Killam Award for Excellence in Mentoring

Congratulations to Professor Laurel Schafer who was recently awarded a 2013 Killam Award for Excellence in Mentoring. The award recognizes research supervisors who have provided sustained mentorship to numerous graduate students while researching at the mid-career level. Furthermore, the Killam Award for Excellence in Mentoring is quite unique among other faculty awards, as statements provided by referees, such as past and present students, are highly regarded in the nomination process.