News & Events


Congratulations to Dr. Mark MacLachlan!

Congratulations to Dr. Mark MacLachlan! Dr. MacLachlan has been awarded the CSC 2016 Award for Research Excellence in Materials Chemistry. He has been awarded for his outstanding contribution to materials chemistry. The award will be presented during the 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, which is taking place in Halifax from June 5-9, 2016. Congratulations on winning this distinguished award!


For more information:...

Congratulations to Des Lovrity!

Congratulations to Mechanical Engineering Supervisor, Des Lovrity! Des was recently awarded the President’s Staff Award for Creativity & Innovation. The President’s Staff Awards (Vancouver Campus) recognize the personal achievements and contributions of staff to UBC and to the vision and goals of the University. Two recent successful projects highlight Des’s ingenuity and these include: building a mobile research station to be deployed on Vancouver Island for a study on air quality and...

Congratulations to Dr. Celine Rougeot!

Congratulations to Dr. Celine Rougeot, she is the recipient of the October 31, 2015 UBC Postdoctoral Fellows Travel Awards. This award will support the cost of attending the 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20, 2015, to present a poster presentation. Congratulations Celine!

As part of UBC's ongoing efforts to support its young research talent, the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and UBC Science offer a...

Congratulations to Dr. Stephen Withers!

Congratulations to Dr. Stephen Withers! Dr. Withers has been awarded the 2016 CIC Medal.  This award is presented as a mark of distinction and recognition to a person who has made an outstanding contribution to the science chemistry in Canada, this is the CIC’s top award. Dr. Withers joins the ranks of the following most recent previous recipients, Axel Becke, Douglas Stephan, Mark Lautens, Raymond Andersen, Adi Eisenberg, to name a few. Congratulations!

For more information:...

Congratulations to Dr. Allan Bertram!

Congratulations to Dr. Allan Bertram! Dr. Bertram has been awarded the CIC 2016 Environment Division R&D DIMA Award.  This award is presented for distinguished contributions to research and/or development in the field of environmental chemistry. Dr. Bertram joins the ranks of previous recipients Frank Wania, William Cullen, Janusz Pawliszyn & Jon Abbatt. Congratulations!

For more information:...

Congratulations to Dr. Roman Krems!

Congratulations to Dr. Roman Krems! Dr. Krems has been elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society, “For developing numerical tools for the description of molecular collisions at cold and ultra cold temperatures and their control using external electric and magnetic fields.” He will receive his fellowship certificate at an upcoming meeting of the APS. Congratulations!

For more information: http://www....

Congratulations to Victoria Bass

Congratulations to Victoria Bass, who was awarded the best undergraduate oral presentation award in the Chemistry Education division at the CSC 2015 in Ottawa (supervisor: Jackie Stewart)

Congratulations Dr. Dan Bizzotto!

Congratulations to Dr. Dan Bizzotto! Dr. Bizzotto has been selected as the winner of the Prix Jacques Tacussel, in recognition of his contribution to the development of in situ electrochemical fluorescence microscopy and its application to molecular and biomolecular adsorption. The prize will be presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting in Den Haag, Netherlands, where Dr. Bizzotto will be delivering an award lecture to illustrate main achievements of his work. Congratulations!

Congratulations to Rhett Baillie!

Rhett Baillie Named Recipient of the 2015 Edward Piers Memorial Award in Organic Chemistry

This annual award is offered in memory of Dr. Edward Piers and in celebration of his distinguished career in the Department of Chemistry.  It is awarded to a graduate student in any branch of organic chemistry (including synthetic, bioorganic, organometallic, or materials) who demonstrates qualities of academic excellence, experimental skill, and dedication to the field through...

Congratulations to Dr. Melanie Higgins!

Congratulations to Dr. Melanie Higgins!

Dr. Higgins, a postdoctoral fellow in the Ryan group, received a 2015 Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) Trainee Award in the Biomedical Division. She was awarded funding for the development of new antibiotics for the treatment of MRSA.

Michael Smith Foundation Health Research Trainee Awards are awarded in four divisions of health research to provide support to up-and-coming researchers across British Columbia.

Congratulations Dr. Roman Krems!

Congratulations Dr. Roman Krems! Dr. Krems has been named a Kavli Fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences at the Korean-American Kavli Frontiers of Science symposium on June 16-18, 2015 in Jeju Island, Republic of Korea. The Kavli Frontiers of Science bring together young researchers who have already made recognized contributions to science, including recipients of major national fellowships and awards and who have been identified as future leaders in science. Since its inception in...

Congratulations to Love Research Group Graduate Students Awarded Poster Prizes at CSC 2015 in Ottawa!

Congratulations to the Love Research Group graduate students for winning Poster Prizes at the Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) conference this year in Ottawa (

Marcus W. Drover, 2nd Place in Inorganic Divison

Addison N. Desnoyer, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Prize

Congratulations to Dr. Russ Algar!


Congratulations to Dr. Russ Algar. He has been selected to be one of the four young faculty speakers for the Inaugural Emerging Materials Chemistry Investigator Symposium at the CSC Conference in Ottawa, Ontario from June 13-17, 2015. Congratulations!

More details at:

Congratulations to Isaac Martens

Congratulations to Isaac Martens

Congratulations to Dr. Dan Bizzotto’s graduate student, Isaac Martens. He is the recipient of the J. Peter Hobson Prize best student oral presentation at Surface Canada 2015.

Peter Hobson was a founding member of the Division of Surface Science Executive in 1979. He served as vice-Chair on the first Executive and participated in the discussions with the CAP and CIC on the formation of the Division. He regularly attended Surface Canada conferences since their inception in 1967. The...

Congratulations to Chad Atkins

Congratulations to Chad Atkins

Congratulations to Chad Atkins. He is the recipient of the 2014-2015 UBC Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award​.

UBC’s Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards have been given annually since 1996 / 1997 to sixteen UBC Teaching Assistants. The award recognizes the valuable role that teaching assistants play in our undergraduate programs, sending an important message to students (both undergraduate and graduate) that UBC values teaching. Successful candidates will have met criteria ...

Congratulations to Dr. Parisa Mehrkhodavandi

Congratulations to Dr. Parisa Mehrkhodavandi

Congratulations to Dr. Parisa Mehrkhodavandi. She is the recipient of the 2015 Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers.

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation was established by Germany in order to promote international cooperation in research. The Humboldt Research Fellowship Program supports highly qualified post-doctoral scholars of all nationalities and disciplines so that they may carry out long-term...

Postdoc receives UBC Postdoctoral Fellows Travel Award

Postdoc receives UBC Postdoctoral Fellows Travel Award

Congratulations to Dr. Amanda Musgrove. She is the recipient of the UBC Postdoctoral Fellows Travel Award.

As part of UBC's ongoing efforts to support its young research talent, the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and UBC Science offer a travel award program for postdoctoral fellows. It is designed to assist PDFs with travel to conferences in order to present research performed at UBC. The Faculty of Science allocates...

Congratulations to Dr. Mark MacLachlan

Congratulations to Dr. Mark MacLachlan

Congratulations to Dr. Mark MacLachlan, he has been awarded the 2014 Steacie Prize in the natural sciences, Canada’s top award for young scientists and engineers. The award recognizes MacLachlan’s outstanding research and scholarly contributions to the field of supramolecular inorganic chemistry.

“I’m honoured to receive the prize – I can only surmise there were no other nominees! I owe this award to the outstanding current and past students, post-docs, and collaborators I’ve been...

Congratulations to the Undergraduate Chemistry Society!

Congratulations to the Undergraduate Chemistry Society

The Undergraduate Chemistry Society (UCS) received the 2014/15 Helen McCrae Award. Dr. Helen McCrae served UBC as a professor of Social Work and Dean of Women from 1959 to 1973. Her community contributions have extended from UBC to the United Nations in her efforts to improve educational opportunities and the lives of women and children. This award is granted to recognize a service for students provided by the AMS, GSS, or UBC in honour of her commitment and contributions to community. ...

Metrohm USA Announces 2015 Young Chemist Award Winner

Metrohm USA Announces 2015 Young Chemist Award Winner

Metrohm USA Announces 2015 Young Chemist Award Winner 

Metrohm USA (Riverview, FL) and Metrohm Canada (Mississauga, Ont.) are pleased to announce the winner of the 2015 Young Chemist Award, Chad Atkins. Chad is completing his Ph.D. at the University of British Columbia where he works under the supervision of Robin Turner and...