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Najafi, B. ; Ghayeb, Y. ; Rainwater, J. C. ; Alavi, S. ; Snider, R. F. Improved Initial Density Dependence Of The Viscosity And A Corresponding States Function For High Pressures. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 1998, 260, 31-48.
Kerrigan, S. ; Brooks, D. E. Indirect Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay For The Quantitative Estimation Of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide In Urine. Clinical Chemistry 1998, 44, 985-990.
Bradley, A. J. ; Devine, D. V. ; Ansell, S. M. ; Janzen, J. ; Brooks, D. E. Inhibition Of Liposome-Induced Complement Activation By Incorporated Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Lipids. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1998, 357, 185-194.
Notenboom, V. ; Birsan, C. ; Nitz, M. ; ROSE, D. R. ; WARREN, R. A. J. ; Withers, S. G. Insights Into Transition State Stabilization Of The Beta-1,4-Glycosidase Cex By Covalent Intermediate Accumulation In Active Site Mutants. NATURE STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY 1998, 5, 812-818.
To, E. C. H. ; Hu, J. H. ; Haynes, C. A. ; Koga, Y. Interactions In 1-Propanol-Urea-H2O: Chemical Potentials, Partial Molar Enthalpies, And Entropies At 25 Degrees C. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 1998, 102, 10958-10965.
Trandum, C. ; Westh, P. ; Haynes, C. A. ; Koga, Y. Intermolecular Interactions In Tert-Butyl Alcohol Dimethyl Sulfoxide H2O: Chemical Potentials, Partial Molar Entropies And Volumes. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 1998, 102, 5182-5195.
Jessop, P. G. ; James, B. R. Intramolecular Protonation And Other Mechanisms For Substitution Reactions Of Hydrido(Thiolato)- And Di(Thiolato)-Ruthenium(Ii) Phosphine Complexes. Inorganica Chimica Acta 1998, 280, 75-86.
Yoshimori, A. ; Day, T. J. F. ; Patey, G. N. An Investigation Of Dynamical Density Functional Theory For Solvation In Simple Mixtures. Journal of Chemical Physics 1998, 108, 6378-6386.
Leibovitch, M. ; Olovsson, G. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. An Investigation Of The Yang Photocyclization Reaction In The Solid State: Asymmetric Induction Studies And Crystal Structure-Reactivity Relationships. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1998, 120, 12755-12769.
Leibovitch, M. ; Olovsson, G. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. An Investigation Of The Yang Photocyclization Reaction In The Solid State: Asymmetric Induction Studies And Crystal Structure-Reactivity Relationships. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1998, 120, 12755-12769.
Douglas, D. J. ; Konenkov, N. V. Ion Source Emittance Influence On The Transmission Of A Quadrupole Operated In The Second Stability Region. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 1998, 9, 1074-1080.
Mosi, A. A. ; Cullen, W. R. ; Eigendorf, G. K. Ion-Molecule Reactions Of Halocarbon Cations With Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In A Quadrupole Ion Trap - Part Ii - Applications To Environmental Analysis. Journal of Mass Spectrometry 1998, 33, 250-263.
Setyawati, I. A. ; Thompson, K. H. ; Yuen, V. G. ; Sun, Y. ; Battell, M. ; Lyster, D. M. ; Vo, C. ; Ruth, T. J. ; Zeisler, S. ; McNeill, J. H. ; Orvig, C. Kinetic Analysis And Comparison Of Uptake, Distribution, And Excretion Of V-48-Labeled Compounds In Rats. Journal of Applied Physiology 1998, 84, 569-575.
Howard, S. ; Withers, S. G. Labeling And Identification Of The Postulated Acid/base Catalyst In The Alpha-Glucosidase From Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Using A Novel Bromoketone C-Glycoside. BIOCHEMISTRY 1998, 37, 3858-3864.
Legzdins, P. ; Lumb, S. A. ; Young, V. G. Ligand Elaboration Mediated By A Cp*w(No) Template: Stepwise Incorporation Of Small Molecules Into A Tungsten Vinyl Fragment. Organometallics 1998, 17, 854-871.
Xu, Y. N. ; Koga, Y. Light Scattering Study On Sol-Gel Transformation Of Sio2 Colloid At Extremely High Concentrations. Clays and Clay Minerals 1998, 46, 161-166.
Graziani, E. I. ; Andersen, R. J. Limaciamine, A New Diacylguanidine Isolated From The North Sea Nudibranch Limacia Clavigera. Journal of Natural Products 1998, 61, 285-286.
Schwieger, W. ; Altenschildesche, H. M. Z. ; Kokotailo, G. T. ; Fyfe, C. A. Low Temperature Syntheses Of Highly-Ordered Framework Materials: The Aluminium Phosphate Ammonium Taranakite. Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie 1998, 624, 1712-1717.
Kong, F. M. ; Graziani, E. I. ; Andersen, R. J. Madangamines B-E, Pentacyclic Alkaloids From The Marine Sponge Xestospongia Ingens. Journal of Natural Products 1998, 61, 267-271.
Birsan, C. ; Johnson, P. ; Joshi, M. ; MacLeod, A. ; McIntosh, L. ; Monem, V. ; Nitz, M. ; Rose, D. R. ; Tull, D. ; Wakarchuck, W. W. ; Wang, Q. ; Warren, R. A. J. ; White, A. ; Withers, S. G. Mechanisms Of Cellulases And Xylanases. Biochemical Society Transactions 1998, 26, 156-160.
Birsan, C. ; Johnson, P. ; Joshi, M. ; MacLeod, A. ; McIntosh, L. ; Monem, V. ; Nitz, M. ; ROSE, D. R. ; TULL, D. ; Wakarchuck, W. W. ; WANG, Q. ; WARREN, R. A. J. ; White, A. ; Withers, S. G. Mechanisms Of Cellulases And Xylanases. BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY TRANSACTIONS 1998, 26, 156-160.
Lawson, S. L. ; WARREN, R. A. J. ; Withers, S. G. Mechanistic Consequences Of Replacing The Active-Site Nucleophile Glu-358 In Agrobacterium Sp. Beta-Glucosidase With A Cysteine Residue. BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 1998, 330, 203-209.
Smith, K. M. ; Poli, R. ; Legzdins, P. Metal-Based Chirality And Spin State Change In 16-Electron Cpml2 Systems: A Computational Study Of Cpw(No)(Ph3). Chemical Communications 1998, 1903-1904.
Hirner, A. V. ; Feldmann, J. ; Krupp, E. ; Grumping, R. ; Goguel, R. ; Cullen, W. R. Metal(Loid)Organic Compounds In Geothermal Gases And Waters. Organic Geochemistry 1998, 29, 1765-1778.
Jager, W. ; Xu, Y. ; Armstrong, G. ; Gerry, M. C. L. ; Naumkin, F. Y. ; Wang, F. ; McCourt, F. R. W. Microwave Spectra Of The Ne-N-2 Van Der Waals Complex: Experiment And Theory. Journal of Chemical Physics 1998, 109, 5420-5432.