News & Events


Congratulations to Rebecca Sherbo!

Rebecca Sherbo, a PhD candidate in the Berlinguette Group, has been selected as a 2019 Schmidt Science Fellow. Schmidt Science Fellows are selected for a year-long postdoctoral placement with world-leading scientific leaders and internationally-renowned labs following the completion of their PhDs.

Congratulations Rebecca!

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Congratulations to Dr. David Perrin!

Dr. David Perrin has been awarded the 2019 Bernard Belleau Award from the CSC.  This award is presented to a scientist residing in Canada who has made a distinguished contribution to the field of medicinal chemistry through research involving biochemical or organic chemical mechanisms.  Dr. Perrin will receive the award at this year's CSC conference in Quebec City. Congratulations Dr. Perrin!

Congratulations to Yuanyuan Cao!

Yuanyuan Cao, Postdoctoral Fellow in the MacLachlan Group, is the recipient of the BioProducts Institute Rising Star Award of $5000. The Rising Star Awards were created to recognize, encourage and empower under-represented groups in the BPI cohort.

Congratulations Yuanyan!

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Congratulations to Dr. Laurel Schafer!

Dr. Laurel Schafer has been awarded a 2018 UBC Killam Research Fellowship. This award enables faculty to pursue full-time research during a recognized study leave.

Dr. Schafer's award will be recognized at the awards reception held by the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation on April 10th, 2019 at the the Jack Pool Hall of the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre. Congratulations Dr. Schafer!

Congratulations to Dr. Katherine Ryan!

Dr. Katherine Ryan has been awarded the 2018 Charles A. McDowell Award for Excellence in Research. This Award recognizes demonstrated excellence in pure or applied scientific research by a young faculty member at UBC.

Dr. Ryan's award will be recognized at the awards reception held by the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation on April 10th, 2019 at the Jack Poole Hall of the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre. Congratulations Dr. Ryan!


Congratulations to Mel Higgins!

UBC Chemistry Postdoctoral Fellow Mel Higgins has received the 2019 Founders Award from the American Chemical Society Biological Chemistry Division. This award was established in memory of William P. Jencks’ contributions to mechanistic enzymology and is given to an outstanding PhD student or postdoctoral fellow in biological chemistry.

Mel presented her award lecture “Characterization of a heme-dependent N-N bond forming enzyme” at the Winter Enzymes Conference in New Orleans in...

Congratulations to the Perrin Group!

The Perrin Lab's synthesis of alpha-amantin has made C&EN News "Molecule of the Year" list. Congratualtions to David Perrin and his group for all their work on this!

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Congratulations to Dr. Curtis Berlinguette and Dr. Jason Hein!

Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources has just announced an $8-million investment to develop a first-of-its-kind robotic platform called ADA that uses artificial intelligence to accelerate the development process for new energy efficient materials.  UBC Chemistry Professor's Berlinguette and Hein, in conjuction with Prof. Aspuru-Guzik (U of T), are developing the platform called the Autonomous Discovery Accelerator for Materials Innovation.

ADA—essentially an AI-driven materials...

Congratulations to Erika Siren!

Erika Siren, PhD Candidate in the Kizhakkedathu Group, is the recipient of the Friedman Award for Scholars in Health. Friedman Scholars receive funding for six or more months of study outside western Canada and Erika will be carrying out a fellowship at Harvard University. Congratulations to Erika on this achievement!

For more information:...

New Insights into the Formation of Thiophene-based Molecular Electronics

Weiying He, a graduate student working with Prof. Pierre Kennepohl, recently uncovered important new insights into the mechanism of formation of polythiophenes – considered to be prime candidates as building blocks for molecular electronics. This work is discussed in a new report published...

UBC shines at undergraduate RISE Conference in Montreal

The annual RISE Conference was held at UQAM in late August and featured two students with connections to UBC Chemistry. Teresa Howard, now in her 3rd year in Chemical Biology at UBC, spent the summer at the Université de Montreal working with Prof. Will Skene. She presented her excellent work on stimuli-responsive polymers. Another of the presenters at the conference was Usman Jamshed, a 3rd year in chemistry student at McMaster...

Congratulations to the Momose Group!

Congratulations to Prof. Momose and his research group for their recent Nature publication, Observation of the 1S–2P Lyman-α transition in antihydrogen. The Lyman-alpha laser team is led by Takamasa Momose (UBC), and consists of scientists, students, postdocs from UBC, TRIUMF and Calgary. 


Congratulations to the Perrin Group!

Congratulations to the Perrin Group. Their work on the synthesis of α-Amanitin, a bicyclic octapeptide produced by the death-cap mushroom, and one of the deadliest known peptide toxins, has been featured as an ACS Molecule of the Week.

For more information:

Chemistry Welcomes New Faculty Member Dr. Tao Huan

The Department of Chemistry is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Tao Huan as an assistant professor in the area of Analytical Chemistry. Dr. Huan received his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from University of Alberta with Dr. Liang Li and did postdoctoral work at the Scripps Research Institute with Dr. Gary Siuzdak. He will join the department in July 2018.

Dr. Huan has an outstanding research track record in the synergetic development of analytical and computational tools for...

Congratulations to the Recipients of the 2018 UBC Chemistry Awards for Graduate Research Excellence!

These awards are given for demonstrated research excellence in all areas of chemistry for work carried out at UBC.

Congratulations to Dr. Kayli Johnson!

Dr. Kayli Johnson has received a 2017-2018 UBC Killam Teaching Prize. Killam Teaching Prizes recognize outstanding contributions in teaching and the ability to motivate students and stimulate critical thinking, sustained teaching excellence and development of innovative approaches to teaching methodology and curricula. Congratulations Dr. Johnson!

Congratulation to Dr. José Rodríguez Núñez!

Dr. José Rodríguez Núñez has received a 2017-2018 UBC Killam Teaching Prize. Killam Teaching Prizes recognize outstanding contributions in teaching and the ability to motivate students and stimulate critical thinking, sustained teaching excellence and development of innovative approaches to teaching methodology and curricula. Congratulations Dr.Núñez!

Congratulations to Anka Lekhi!

Anka Lekhi has received a 2017-2018 UBC Killam Teaching Prize. Killam Teaching Prizes recognize outstanding contributions in teaching and the ability to motivate students and stimulate critical thinking, sustained teaching excellence and development of innovative approaches to teaching methodology and curricula. Congratulations Anka!

Congratulations to Dr. David Perrin!

Dr. Perrin and his group have been highlighted in Chemical and Engineering News for their synthesis of α-amanitin, a bicyclic octapeptide produced by the death-cap mushroom, and one of the deadliest known peptide toxins. Now that they have a synthetic route for making α-amanitin, they plan to use it to make antibody-drug conjugates and to study the chemical biology of the toxin.

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Congratulations to Sheri Harbour!

Congratulations to Sheri Harbour as a recipient of the 2017/2018 Faculty of Science Excellence in Service Award.