Allan Bertram
Research and Teaching Interests
We are a team of analytical, environmental, and physical chemists dedicated to studying the physical and chemical properties of atmospheric aerosols.
Atmospheric aerosols, which range in diameter from approximately 0.01 to 10 µm, play a crucial role in Earth's climate by scattering and absorbing solar radiation. They also act as nuclei for cloud formation. Atmospheric aerosols are one of the major uncertain factors in climate change projections, as acknowledged by researchers worldwide. In addition to their climate impact, aerosols are linked to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, resulting in millions of premature deaths annually. They also facilitate multiphase reactions that negatively affect atmospheric composition.
Our research aims to quantify and understand the critical physical and chemical properties of atmospheric aerosols, thereby improving predictive models for air quality, climate, and atmospheric composition. These improved predictive models can guide policymakers in developing cost-effective policies to protect the environment and human health.
We focus on various physical and chemical properties of atmospheric aerosols, including heterogeneous chemistry, phase behavior (number and types of phases), viscosity, intraparticle diffusion, optical properties, and ice-nucleating ability. Our research includes laboratory and field measurements and collaborations with atmospheric modelers. The types of aerosols we study include wildfire aerosol (wildfire smoke), mineral dust aerosol, bioaerosols, aerosols from the transportation sector, and microplastics.
Examples of projects include:
- Wildfire aerosol in the troposphere and its impact on air quality and climate.
- Wildfire aerosol in the stratosphere and its impact on the stratospheric ozone layer.
- Concentrations and properties of atmospheric ice nucleating particles (INPs).
- Properties and emissions of aerosols from the transportation sector.
- The physical and chemical properties of secondary organic aerosols.
For more details, please see our research group website.
Curriculum Vitae
UBC Distinguished University Scholar (2023); Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering (2020); UBC Killam Research Prize Winner (2018); CIC Environment Division R&D Dima Award Winner (2016); Director of NSERC-CREATE-Atmospheric Aerosol Program (2010-2016); Canada Research Chair of Environmental and Atmospheric Chemistry (2001-2011); NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Mario Molina, 1998-2000); W.B. Pearson Medal (1998); Ph.D., University of Waterloo (James Sloan, 1998); B.Sc., University of Prince Edward Island (1993)