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Donald Fleming


Research and Teaching Interests

My research (and teaching) interests lie in the general field of nuclear and particular muon chemistry in two quite distinct areas: isotopic mass effects in chemical kinetics and reaction dynamics of both the lightest isotope of the H-atom, muonium (Mu=µ+e-), with a mass of 0.113 amu, and, more recently, of its heaviest isotope, muonic He (4Heµ), formed by negative muon (µ-) capture on He, with a mass of 4.11 amu [Science, 331, 448 (20110]; and the study of the hyperfine interactions and molecuar motion of muoniated free radicals formed by Mu addition reactions to unsaturated bond systems, with a particular interest in catalytic enviornments, zeolites and nanomaterials .

In both instances the  "µSR" (Muon Spin Rotation or Relaxation or Resonance) technique employed relies on parity violation in the π-μ-e decay sequence in which the muon is produced 100% spin-polarized and electrons (e+ or e-) from muon decay are emitted preferentially along (or opposite to) the muon spin. This anisotropy effect provides the basis for detecting the interaction of the muon spin with its environment. The "µSR" signal is analyzed to yield amplitudes, frequencies and relaxations characteristic of these interactions in either a tranverse (TF) or longitudinal (LF) magnetic field, as indicated in the diagram below, and similar in scope to related studies in magnetic resonance.

In the field of chemical reaction dynamics, the unprecedented isotopic mass ratio of 36.4 between 4Heμ and Mu provides for truly unique tests of quantum mass effects in reaction rate theory [Science, 2011; J. Chem. Phys., 2011]. However the study of Mu reactivity, as the lightest isotope of the H-atom, is important in its own right. In a novel study of Mu addition reactions, Mu + CO, the MuCO complex formed has only one bound vibrational state, due to the remarkable shift in zero point energy (ZPE) effected by the light muon mass;  as a result comparison between experiment and theory provided an important new test of the Isolated Resonance Model of unimolecular decay [J. Chem. Phys., 125,  014307 (2006)]. More recently, a new direction in reaction rate studies of mounium, is to use pulsed lasers to state-select reactants in the gas phase in concert with a pulsed μ+ beam at the Rutherford Laboratoy in the UK. Reaction rates from vibrational excited states probe a different region of the potential energy surface (PES). The first study is a meaurement of the kinetics of the Mu + H2*(v=1) reaction rate at 300 K, in comparison with the results of rigorous quantum theory has recently been published [J. Phys. Chem. Letts, 2012].

In the realm of muoniated radicals, the muon polarization can be efficiently transferred to the radical by Mu addition reactions, allowing measurements of both the muon and nuclear hyperfine coupling constants (Hfcc) in a variety of different enviornments. Recently the MuC6H6 radical has been studied in the Y-zeolites in which pronounced radical motion was indicated from the widths of Level Crossing Resonances in USY and HY [J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 11177 (2011)], important industrial catalysts about which nothing is  known from ESR studies. This work complements an earlier study of the MuC2H4 radical in these same zeolites [J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 9779 (2007)]. The motivation for these studies is to use the μSR technique as a "template" to learn about binding sites and the nature of free radical intemeadiates that might well be of importance for their H-adduct cousins in particularly hydrocarbon cracking in zeolites. New directions for the study of Mu-radicals are envisaged in mettalic nanomaterials (Au,Pt,Pd), also important catalytic environments. It has also been important to establish agreement between experimental determinations of Hfcc for muoniated radicals and ab-initio calculations of these values; this has recently been established for neat muoniated sec-butyl radicals in condensed phases [J. Phys. Chem. A, 115, 2778 (2011)], where generally excellent agreement between theory and experiment was found for both the magnitude and the temperature dependence of muon and proton Hfcc [J. Phys. Chem. A, 115, 2765 (2011)]. In a novel direction as well the existence of the Heavy-Light-Heavy Br-Mu-Br radical has recently been inferred, which has important implications for the possible existence of vibrational bonding, which has not heretofore been experimentally established [PCCP, 2012].




Experimental setup and detection schemes for important muon spin properties.


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Office Room Number(s): 
Chem D215
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604-222-1047 xtn 6296
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Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., UC Berkeley (1967); Postdoctoral, Nuclear Structure Lab, Rochester, NY (1967-69) and Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen (1969-71); Visiting Scientist, Swiss Institute for Nuclear Research, 1983-84; John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, USA, 1983-84; Canada Council Killam Research Fellowship, 1987-89; Visiting Professor, Dept. of Physics , Univ. of Tokyo, 1988; STA Fellowship, Visting Professor, RIKEN, Japan, 1990, 1992; Fellow of the CIC, 1991; NSERC National Centres of Excellence Participant, "CEMAID", 1990-94;  UBC Killam Research Prize, 1994; Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize, Stuttgart, Germany, 1999, 2001;  John Polanyi Lecture Award of the CIC, 2003; Glen T. Seaborg Award for Nuclear Chemistry, ACS 2004; "Wiedereinladung", AvH Research Prize, Berlin, 2005:  Invited Scientist, Rutherford Laboratory and "CMSD" Award Recipient, in 2002-2008 periods; Advisory Board, J. Phys. Chem., 2006-2009; Invited Scientist, CCLRC, Rutherford, 2010,2011; Fellow of the American Physical Society, Division of Chemical Physics, 2012.



Fleming, D. G. ; MacFarlane, W. A. ; Xiao, J. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Kiefl, R. F. ; Cao, Y. ; Wang, P. - X. ; MacLachlan, M. J. ; Bridges, M. D. Level Crossing Resonance Studies Of The Muoniated Cyclohexadienyl Radical (Muċ6H6) Interacting With Uncapped Gold Nanoparticles In Porous Silica Hosts. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2021, 125, 21410-21423.
Gao, L. Gem; Fleming, D. G. ; Truhlar, D. G. ; Xu, X. Large Anharmonic Effects On Tunneling And Kinetics: Reaction Of Propane With Muonium. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2021, 12, 4154-4159.


Dehn, M. H. ; Cao, Y. ; Wang, P. - X. ; Cottrell, S. P. ; MacLachlan, M. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Kiefl, R. F. Direct Observation Of Muonium Reacting With Uncapped Gold Nanoparticles In Porous Silica And Nature Of The Final State. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2020, 152, 184706.


Fleming, D. G. ; MacFarlane, W. A. ; Xiao, J. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Dehn, M. H. ; Kiefl, R. F. ; Zamarion, V. M. ; Wang, P. - X. ; Cao, Y. ; MacLachlan, M. J. ; Bridges, M. D. Studies Of Muonium Reactivity With Uncapped Gold Nanoparticles And With Surface-Adsorbed Benzene On These Nps In Porous Silica Hosts. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, 123, 27628-27642.


Dehn, M. H. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Buck, T. ; Cortie, D. L. ; Fleming, D. G. ; King, S. R. ; MacFarlane, W. A. ; McDonagh, A. M. ; McFadden, R. M. L. ; Mitchell, D. R. G. ; , Nature Of Magnetism In Thiol-Capped Gold Nanoparticles Investigated With Muon Spin Rotation. Applied Physics Letters 2018, 112, 053105.
Dehn, M. H. ; Fleming, D. G. ; W MacFarlane, A. ; MacLachlan, M. J. ; Zamarion, V. M. ; Kiefl, R. F. Dynamics Of Anisotropic Muonium On Silica Surfaces Explained By Monte Carlo Simulation Of The Muon Depolarization. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance ($μ$SR2017); Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance ($μ$SR2017); 2018.
Kreitzman, S. R. ; Cottrell, S. P. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Sun-Mack, S. Understanding The Double Quantum Muonium Rf Resonance. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance ($μ$SR2017); Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance ($μ$SR2017); 2018.


Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Li, Y. ; Li, J. ; Suleimanov, Y. V. ; Guo, H. Rate Coefficient For The 4Heμ + Ch4 Reaction At 500 K: Comparison Between Theory And Experiment. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2016, 120, 1641–1648.
Dehn, M. H. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Böni, P. ; Bridges, M. D. ; Buck, T. ; Cortie, D. L. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Kelly, J. A. ; MacFarlane, W. A. ; MacLachlan, M. J. ; , Communication: Chemisorption Of Muonium On Gold Nanoparticles: A Sensitive New Probe Of Surface Magnetism And Reactivity, 2016.


Mielke, S. L. ; Garrett, B. C. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Truhlar, D. G. Zero-Point Energy, Tunnelling, And Vibrational Adiabaticity In The Mu + H-2 Reaction. MOLECULAR PHYSICS 2015, 113, 160-175.
Bakule, P. ; Sukhorukov, O. ; Ishida, K. ; Pratt, F. ; Fleming, D. ; MOMOSE, T. ; Matsuda, Y. ; Torikai, E. First Accurate Experimental Study Of Mu Reactivity From A State-Selected Reactant In The Gas Phase: The Mu + H 2 1 Reaction Rate At 300 K. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2015, 48, 045204.
Fleming, D. G. ; Cottrell, S. P. ; McKenzie, I. ; Ghandi, K. Rate Constants For The Slow Mu+ Propane Abstraction Reaction At 300 K By Diamagnetic Rf Resonance. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2015, 17, 19901–19910.
Arseneau, D. J. ; Garner, D. M. ; Reid, I. D. ; Fleming, D. G. Muonium Addition Reactions And Kinetic Isotope Effects In The Gas Phase: K∞ Rate Constants For Mu+ C2H2. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2015, 119, 7247–7256.


Fleming, D. G. ; Manz, J. ; Sato, K. ; Takayanagi, T. Fundamental Change In The Nature Of Chemical Bonding By Isotopic Substitution. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2014, 53, 13706-13709.
Dehn, M. H. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Bridges, M. D. ; Buck, T. ; Cortie, D. L. ; Cottrell, S. P. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Kelly, J. A. ; MacFarlane, W. A. ; MacLachlan, M. J. ; Morris, G. D. ; McKenzie, I. ; Xiao, J. ; Kiefl, R. F. Spin Depolarization Of Muonium In Mesoporous Silica. In 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MUON SPIN ROTATION, RELAXATION AND RESONANCE; Salman, Z. ; Amato, A. ; Luetkens, H. ; Morenzoni, E. ; 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MUON SPIN ROTATION, RELAXATION AND RESONANCE; Paul Scherrer Inst, Lab Muon Spin Spectroscopy; Univ Zurich; Univ Fribourg; Swiss Natl Fdn; Costruzioni Apparecchiature Elettroniche Nucleari S p A; X TRONIX AG; BlueFors Cryogen Oy Ltd; TECO Rene Koch; Teledyne LeCroy SA, 2014; Vol. 551, p. 012006.
Xiao, J. ; Areseneau, D. J. ; Bridges, M. D. ; Cortie, D. ; Cottrell, S. P. ; Dehn, M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Kelly, J. ; Kiefl, R. F. ; MacFarlane, W. A. ; MacLachalan, M. ; McKenzie, I. Interaction Of The Mu-Cyclohexadienyl Radical With Metallic (Au, Pt) Nanoparticles In Mesoporous Silica. In 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MUON SPIN ROTATION, RELAXATION AND RESONANCE; Salman, Z. ; Amato, A. ; Luetkens, H. ; Morenzoni, E. ; 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MUON SPIN ROTATION, RELAXATION AND RESONANCE; Paul Scherrer Inst, Lab Muon Spin Spectroscopy; Univ Zurich; Univ Fribourg; Swiss Natl Fdn; Costruzioni Apparecchiature Elettroniche Nucleari S p A; X TRONIX AG; BlueFors Cryogen Oy Ltd; TECO Rene Koch; Teledyne LeCroy SA, 2014; Vol. 551, p. 012044.


Fleming, D. G. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Bridges, M. D. ; Chen, Y. Kun; Wang, Y. Alexander Hyperfine Coupling Constants Of The Mu-T-Butyl Radical In Nay And Usy Compared With Similar Data In The Bulk And With Ab Initio Theory. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013, 117, 16523-16539.


Bakule, P. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Sukhorukov, O. ; Ishida, K. ; Pratt, F. ; Momose, T. ; Torikai, E. ; Mielke, S. L. ; Garrett, B. C. ; Peterson, K. A. ; Schatz, G. C. ; Truhlar, D. G. State-Selected Reaction Of Muonium With Vibrationally Excited H 2. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2012, 3, 2755 - 2760.
Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Sukhorukov, O. Rates And Temperature Dependence For The Reaction Of Muonic Helium With Ammonia. In 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MUON SPIN ROTATION, RELAXATION AND RESONANCE (MUSR2011); Luke, G. M. ; Sonier, J. ; 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MUON SPIN ROTATION, RELAXATION AND RESONANCE (MUSR2011); TRIUMF; Canadian Nat Sci & Engn Res Council (NSERC); Canadian Inst Adv Res (CIFAR); Simon Fraser Univ; Dehnel - Particle Accelerator Components & Engn Inc (D-Pace); Commun & Power Ind (CPI), 2012; Vol. 30, pp. 74-77.
Fleming, D. G. ; Cottrell, S. P. ; McKenzie, I. ; Macrae, R. M. New Results For The Formation Of A Muoniated Radical In The Mu + Br2 System: A Van Der Waals Complex Or Evidence For Vibrational Bonding In Br–Mu–Br?. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2012, 14, 10953.


Fleming, D. G. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Sukhorukov, O. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Mielke, S. L. ; Truhlar, D. G. ; Schatz, G. C. ; Garrett, B. C. ; Peterson, K. A. Kinetics Of The Reaction Of The Heaviest Hydrogen Atom With H2, The 4Heμ + H2 → 4Heμh + H Reaction: Experiments, Accurate Quantal Calculations, And Variational Transition State Theory,including Kinetic Isotope Effects For A Factor Of 36.1 In Isotopic . The Journal of Chemical Physics 2011, 135, 184310.
Fleming, D. G. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Shelley, M. Y. ; Beck, B. ; Dilger, H. ; Roduner, E. Μsr Studies Of Hyperfine Couplings And Molecular Interactions Of The Mu-Cyclohexadienyl Radical In Y-Zeolites And In Solid Bulk Benzene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2011, 115, 11177 - 11191.
Fleming, D. G. ; Bridges, M. D. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Chen, Y. Kun; Wang, Y. Alexander Isotope Effects And The Temperature Dependences Of The Hyperfine Coupling Constants Of Muoniated Sec -Butyl Radicals In Condensed Phases. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2011, 115, 2778 - 2793.
Chen, Y. Kun; Fleming, D. G. ; Wang, Y. Alexander Theoretical Calculations Of Hyperfine Coupling Constants For Muoniated Butyl Radicals. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2011, 115, 2765 - 2777.
Fleming, D. G. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Sukhorukov, O. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Mielke, S. L. ; Schatz, G. C. ; Garrett, B. C. ; Peterson, K. A. ; Truhlar, D. G. Kinetic Isotope Effects For The Reactions Of Muonic Helium And Muonium With H2. Science 2011, 331, 448 - 450.


Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Sukhorukov, O. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Garrett, B. C. ; Truhlar, D. G. The Muonic He Atom And A Preliminary Study Of The He-4 Mu + H-2 Reaction. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2009, 404, 946-949.
Bakule, P. ; Sukhorukov, O. ; Matsuda, Y. ; Pratt, F. ; Gumplinger, P. ; Momose, T. ; Torikai, E. ; Fleming, D. G. Toward The First Study Of Chemical Reaction Dynamics Of Mu With Vibrational-State-Selected Reactants In The Gas Phase: The Mu + H-2*(V=1) Reaction By Stimulated Raman Pumping. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2009, 404, 1013-1016.
Sukhorukov, O. ; Bakule, P. ; Matsuda, Y. ; Kamal, S. ; Momose, T. ; Fleming, D. Application Of Stimulated Raman Pumping Toward The First Study Of Chemical Reaction Dynamics Of The Muonium Atom With H(2)(Star). In PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C: CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, VOL 6, SUPPL 1; Kasap, S. ; DeCorby, R. ; Ruda, H. ; Hegmann, F. ; Kashyap, R. ; PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C: CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, VOL 6, SUPPL 1; 2009; Vol. 6, pp. S263-S266.


Bridges, M. D. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Ghandi, K. Hyperfine Interactions And Molecular Motion Of The Mu-Ethyl Radical In Faujasites: Nay, Hy, And Usy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2007, 111, 9779-9793.


Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Pan, J. J. ; Fleming, D. G. Slowing-Down Times And Stopping Powers For Similar To 2-Mev Mu(+) In Low-Pressure Gases. Physical Review A 2006, 74, 17.
Ghandi, K. ; Cottrell, S. P. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Johnson, C. The First Report Of A Muoniated Free Radical Formed From Reaction Of Mu With Br-2. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2006, 374, 303-306.
Pan, J. J. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Senba, M. ; Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Xie, T. ; Bowman, J. M. Termolecular Kinetics For The Mu+Co+M Recombination Reaction: A Unique Test Of Quantum Rate Theory. Journal of Chemical Physics 2006, 125, 13.


Johnson, C. ; Cottrell, S. P. ; Ghandi, K. ; Fleming, D. G. Muon Implantation In Inert Gases Studied By Radio Frequency Spectroscopy. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 2005, 38, 119-134.


Ghandi, K. ; Bridges, M. D. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. Muonium Formation As A Probe Of Radiation Chemistry In Sub- And Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2004, 108, 11613-11625.


Percival, P. W. ; Brodovitch, J. C. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Senba, M. ; Fleming, D. G. Formation Of The Muoniated Ethyl Radical In The Gas Phase. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2003, 326, 72-75.
Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Senba, M. Observation Of Muonium In Zeolites. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2003, 326, 64-67.


Fleming, D. G. ; Shelley, M. Y. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Senba, M. ; Pan, J. J. ; Roduner, E. Hyperfine And Host-Guest Interactions Of The Mu-Cyclohexadienyl Radical In Nay Zeolite. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2002, 106, 6395-6407.


Senba, M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Mayne, H. R. Hot Atom Reaction Yields In Mu(*)+H-2 And T-*+H-2 From Quasiclassical Trajectory Cross Sections On The Liu-Siegbahn-Truhlar-Horowitz Surface. Journal of Chemical Physics 2000, 112, 9390-9403.
Fleming, D. G. ; Shelley, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Senba, M. ; Pan, J. J. ; Kreitzman, S. R. ; Roduner, E. Hfcs Of The C(6)H(6)Mu Radical In Nay Zeolites. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2000, 289, 603-606.
Dilger, H. ; Roduner, E. ; Scheuermann, R. ; Major, J. ; Schefzik, M. ; Stosser, R. ; Pach, M. ; Fleming, D. G. Mass And Temperature Effects On The Hyperfine Coupling Of Atomic Hydrogen Isotopes In Cages. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2000, 289, 482-486.
Arseneau, D. J. ; Senba, M. ; Pan, J. J. ; Fleming, D. G. The Rate Constant For Mu+O-2 Addition In Competition With Rapid Spin Exchange. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2000, 289, 503-506.
Beck, B. ; Roduner, E. ; Dilger, H. ; Czarnecki, P. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Reid, I. D. ; Rhodes, C. J. Reorientational Dynamics Of Aza-Cyclohexadienyl Radicals In Pyridinium Tetrafluoroborate. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2000, 289, 607-611.
Pan, J. J. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Senba, M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Himmer, U. ; Suzuki, Y. Measurements Of Mu+No Termolecular Kinetics Up To 520 Bar: Isotope Effects And The Troe Theory. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2000, 2, 621-629.


Himmer, U. ; Dilger, H. ; Roduner, E. ; Pan, J. J. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Senba, M. Kinetic Isotope Effect In The Gas-Phase Reaction Of Muonium With Molecular Oxygen. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1999, 103, 2076-2087.


Pan, J. J. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Senba, M. ; Shelly, M. ; Fleming, D. G. Reaction Kinetics Of Muonium With N2O In The Gas Phase. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1997, 101, 8470-8479.
Pan, J. J. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Senba, M. ; Shelley, M. ; Fleming, D. G. Addition Reactions And Longitudinal Field Spin Relaxation Of Small Radicals In Gases: Mu+Co And Mu+N2O. Hyperfine Interactions 1997, 106, 181-186.
Fleming, D. G. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Pan, J. J. ; Shelley, M. Y. ; Senba, M. ; Percival, P. W. Hyperfine Coupling Constants Of Muonium-Substituted Cyclohexadienyl Radicals In The Gas Phase: C(6)H(6)Mu, C(6)D(6)Mu, C(6)F(6)Mu. Applied Magnetic Resonance 1997, 13, 181-194.
Arseneau, D. J. ; Pan, J. J. ; Senba, M. ; Shelley, M. ; Fleming, D. G. Muonium Spin Relaxation In Carbon Monoxide. Hyperfine Interactions 1997, 106, 151-156.
Dilger, H. ; Roduner, E. ; Stolmar, M. ; Reid, I. D. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Pan, J. J. ; Senba, M. ; Shelley, M. Why Alc Mu Sr Is Superior For Gas-Phase Radical Spectroscopy. Hyperfine Interactions 1997, 106, 137-142.


Fleming, D. G. ; Pan, J. J. ; Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Kiefl, R. F. ; Shelley, M. Y. ; Cox, S. F. J. ; Percival, P. W. ; Brodovitch, J. C. Spin Relaxation Of Muonium-Substituted Ethyl Radicals (Much(2)Ch(2)) In The Gas Phase. Journal of Chemical Physics 1996, 105, 7517-7535.
Dilger, H. ; Schwager, M. ; Tregennapiggott, P. L. W. ; Roduner, E. ; Reid, I. D. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Pan, J. J. ; Senba, M. ; Shelley, M. ; Fleming, D. G. Addition Kinetics And Spin Exchange In The Gas Phase Reaction Of The Ethyl Radical With Oxygen. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1996, 100, 6561-6571.


Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Pan, J. J. ; Shelley, M. ; Fleming, D. G. Mu-Sr Studies Of Free-Radicals In The Gas-Phase. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry-Articles 1995, 190, 493-503.
Snooks, R. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Senba, M. ; Pan, J. J. ; Shelley, M. ; Baer, S. The Thermal-Reaction Rate Of Muonium With Methane (And Ethane) In The Gas-Phase. Journal of Chemical Physics 1995, 102, 4860-4869.
Pan, J. J. ; Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Gonzalez, A. C. ; Kempton, J. R. ; Fleming, D. G. Mu+No - Kinetic Isotope Effects In Unimolecular Dissociation. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1995, 99, 17160-17168.


Baer, S. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Sloan, J. J. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Kolbuszewski, M. ; Wright, J. ; Senba, M. ; Pan, J. J. ; Snooks, R. First Spectroscopic Evidence For A Muonium-Containing Molecule - Nemu-Asterisk Chemiluminescence. Journal of Chemical Physics 1994, 101, 1202-1218.
Dilger, H. ; Schwager, M. ; Roduner, E. ; Reid, I. D. ; Fleming, D. G. Chemical-Reaction Kinetics And Heisenberg Spin-Exchange Of The Ethyl Radical With Oxygen. Hyperfine Interactions 1994, 87, 899-904.
Cox, S. F. J. ; Macrae, R. M. ; Williams, W. G. ; Fleming, D. G. Gas, Liquid And Solid-State Studies Of Muon Spin Relaxation In Organic Radicals. Hyperfine Interactions 1994, 87, 871-876.
Shelley, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Senba, M. ; Pan, J. J. ; Snooks, R. ; Kreitzman, S. R. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Roduner, E. Muon Spin Relaxation Studies Of Cyclohexadienyl Radicals In Nausy. In Zeolites and Related Microporous Materials: State of the Art 1994; Weitkamp, J. ; Karge, H. G. ; Pfeifer, H. ; Holderich, W. ; Zeolites and Related Microporous Materials: State of the Art 1994; Elsevier Science Publ B V: Amsterdam, 1994; Vol. 84, pp. 469-475.
Baer, S. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Senba, M. ; Pan, J. J. ; Snooks, R. ; Shelley, M. ; Kempton, J. R. ; Sloan, J. J. Nemu-Asterisk Chemiluminescence - Radiolysis Effects In Gases. Hyperfine Interactions 1994, 87, 985-990.
Snooks, R. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Baer, S. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Senba, M. ; Pan, J. J. ; Shelley, M. Rate Of Abstraction Of Hydrogen-Atoms From Ethane By Muonium. Hyperfine Interactions 1994, 87, 911-916.
Pan, J. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Snooks, R. ; Baer, S. ; Shelley, M. ; Percival, P. W. ; Brodovitch, J. C. ; Addisonjones, B. ; Wlodek, S. ; Cox, S. F. J. Spin Relaxation Of Muonated Radicals In The Gas-Phase. Hyperfine Interactions 1994, 87, 865-870.


Pan, J. J. ; Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Kempton, J. R. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Baer, S. ; Gonzalez, A. C. ; Snooks, R. Muonium Atom Spin-Exchange With Alkali-Metal Vapors - Mu+Cs. Physical Review A 1993, 48, 1218-1226.


Gonzalez, A. C. ; Tempelmann, A. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Senba, M. ; Kempton, J. R. ; Pan, J. J. Muonium Reaction-Kinetics With The Hydrogen Halide Gases. Journal of Chemical Physics 1992, 97, 6309-6321.
Baer, S. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Arseneau, D. ; Senba, M. ; Gonzalez, A. Kinetic Isotope Effects In Gas-Phase Muonium Reactions. Acs Symposium Series 1992, 502, 111-137.


Kempton, J. R. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Senba, M. ; Gonzalez, A. C. ; Pan, J. J. ; Tempelmann, A. ; Garner, D. M. Epithermal Muonium Processes In Methane And Propane Gases. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1991, 95, 7338-7344.
Kempton, J. R. ; Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Gonzalez, A. C. ; Garner, D. M. ; Pan, J. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Percival, P. W. ; Brodovitch, J. C. ; Leung, S. K. Hot Muonium And Muon Spur Processes In Nitrogen And Ethane. Journal of Chemical Physics 1991, 94, 1046-1059.
Duchovic, R. J. ; Wagner, A. F. ; Turner, R. E. ; Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. The Analysis Of Muonium Hyperfine Interaction Measurements Of Thermal Rate Constants For Addition-Reactions. Journal of Chemical Physics 1991, 94, 2794-2806.


Turner, R. E. ; Snider, R. F. ; Fleming, D. G. Spin Relaxation Of Hydrogen-Atom Isotopes Via Electron-Spin Exchange With Paramagnetic Gases. Physical Review A 1990, 41, 1505-1516.
Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Senba, M. ; Reid, I. D. ; Mikula, R. J. Muonium Addition-Reactions In The Gas-Phase - Quantum Tunneling In Mu+C2H4 And Mu+C2D4. Journal of Chemical Physics 1990, 93, 1732-1740.
Senba, M. ; Gonzalez, A. C. ; Kempton, J. R. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Pan, J. J. ; Tempelmann, A. ; Fleming, D. G. Addition And Spin Exchange-Rate Constants By Longitudinal-Field Mu-Sr - The Mu + No Reaction. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 65, 979-986.
Matsushita, A. ; Miyake, Y. ; Murata, Y. ; Nishiyama, K. ; Nagamine, K. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Morita, M. ; Ohmi, T. Evidence For Muonium Emission From An Sio2 Layer On N-Type Si And The Positive Muon State In Si. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 65, 1071-1080.
Kempton, J. R. ; Marzke, R. F. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Gonzalez, A. C. ; Leung, S. K. ; Pan, J. J. ; Percival, P. W. ; Senba, M. ; Tempelmann, A. Interaction Of Muonium With Oxygen On Silica Powder Surfaces. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 65, 811-817.
Kempton, J. R. ; Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Gonzalez, A. C. ; Pan, J. J. ; Tempelmann, A. ; Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. Muonium Formation In Xenon And Argon Up To 60 Atmospheres. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 65, 801-809.
Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Gonzalez, A. C. ; Kempton, J. R. ; Pan, J. J. ; Tempelmann, A. ; Fleming, D. G. Positive Muon Slowing Down Times In Ar Measured By The Mu-Sr Technique. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 65, 793-799.
Fleming, D. G. ; Kiefl, R. F. ; Garner, D. M. ; Senba, M. ; Gonzalez, A. C. ; Kempton, J. R. ; Arsenau, D. J. ; Venkateswaran, K. ; Percival, P. W. ; Brodovitch, J. C. ; Leung, S. K. ; Yu, D. ; Cox, S. F. J. Spin Relaxation Studies Of The Muonium Substituted Ethyl Radical In The Gas-Phase. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 65, 767-771.
Roduner, E. ; Louwrier, P. W. F. ; Brinkman, G. A. ; Garner, D. M. ; Reid, I. D. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Senba, M. ; Fleming, D. G. Quantum Phenomena And Solvent Effects On Addition Of Hydrogen Isotopes To Benzene And To Dimethylbutadiene. Berichte Der Bunsen-Gesellschaft-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 1990, 94, 1224-1230.


Gonzalez, A. C. ; Reid, I. D. ; Garner, D. M. ; Senba, M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Kempton, J. R. Reaction-Kinetics Of Muonium With The Halogen Gases (F2, Cl-2, And Br-2). Journal of Chemical Physics 1989, 91, 6164-6176.
Senba, M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Garner, D. M. ; Reid, I. D. Muonium Depolarization By Electron-Spin Exchange With O-2 Gas In The Temperature-Range 90-500-K. Physical Review A 1989, 39, 3871-3883.


Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Senba, M. ; Reid, I. D. ; Garner, D. M. The Ion-Molecule Reactivity Of The Positive Muon Molecular-Ions Hemu+ And Nemu+. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1988, 66, 2018-2024.
Fleming, D. G. ; Lee, L. Y. ; Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Reid, I. D. ; Garner, D. M. Muonium Hot Atom Chemistry In Gases. Radiochimica Acta 1988, 43, 98-102.


Reid, I. D. ; Garner, D. M. ; Lee, L. Y. ; Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. Experimental Tests Of Reaction-Rate Theory - Mu+H2 And Mu+D2. Journal of Chemical Physics 1987, 86, 5578-5583.


Fleming, D. G. A Comparison Of The Hot Atom Chemistry Of Muonium, Tritium And Positronium In Gases. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 1986, 28, 115-131.
Fleming, D. G. ; Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Reid, I. D. ; Garner, D. M. The Hot Atom Chemistry Of Muonium In Alkane Vapors. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1986, 64, 57-66.
Senba, M. ; Turner, R. E. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Garner, D. M. ; Lee, L. Y. ; Reid, I. D. ; Fleming, D. G. Missing Fractions In Heavy Gases - Xe And Ccl4. Hyperfine Interactions 1986, 32, 795-799.
Reid, I. D. ; Lee, L. Y. ; Garner, D. M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Senba, M. ; Fleming, D. G. Mu+H-2 And Mu+D-2 Reaction-Kinetics From 480-K To 675-K. Hyperfine Interactions 1986, 32, 801-806.


Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Mikula, R. J. Kinetics Of The Mu+H-2 And Mu+D2 Reactions From 610-K To 850-K. Chemical Physics Letters 1985, 121, 80-88.


Fleming, D. G. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Garner, D. M. ; Senba, M. ; Mikula, R. J. Muonium Formation And The Missing Fraction In Vapors. Hyperfine Interactions 1984, 18, 655-678.
Arseneau, D. J. ; Garner, D. M. ; Senba, M. ; Fleming, D. G. Muonium Formation In Vapors. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1984, 88, 3688-3696.
Senba, M. ; Garner, D. M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. Temperature-Dependence Of Muonium Spin Exchange With O2 In The Range 88-K To 478-K. Hyperfine Interactions 1984, 18, 703-708.


Fleming, D. G. ; Mikula, R. J. ; Senba, M. ; Garner, D. M. ; Arseneau, D. J. The Formation And Reactivity Of The Mu+-Molecular Ion Nemu+. Chemical Physics 1983, 82, 75-86.


Fleming, D. G. A 20 Mev (P, D) Study Of Nuclear-Structure In The Even And Odd Tin Isotopes. Canadian Journal of Physics 1982, 60, 428-448.
Fleming, D. G. ; Mikula, R. J. ; Garner, D. M. Mu+-Charge Exchange And Muonium Formation In Low-Pressure Gases. Physical Review A 1982, 26, 2527-2544.
Fleming, D. G. ; Garner, D. M. ; Mikula, R. J. Muonium Reactivity In The Gas-Phase - The Mu+H-2 And Mu+D2 Reactions. Berichte Der Bunsen-Gesellschaft-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 1982, 86, 470-470.


Ng, B. W. ; Jean, Y. C. ; Ito, Y. ; Suzuki, T. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Walker, D. C. Diffusion-Controlled And Activation-Controlled Reactions Of Muonium In Aqueous-Solutions. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1981, 85, 454-458.
Fleming, D. G. ; Mikula, R. J. ; Garner, D. M. Mu+ Thermalization And Muonium Formation In Noble-Gases. Hyperfine Interactions 1981, 8, 307-314.
Fleming, D. G. ; Mikula, R. J. ; Garner, D. M. Mu+-E- Hyperfine Interactions And Muonium Spin Exchange In Low-Pressure Gases. Hyperfine Interactions 1981, 9, 207-212.
Brewer, J. H. ; Spencer, D. P. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Coope, J. A. R. Muonium Hyperfine Matrix In Quartz. Hyperfine Interactions 1981, 8, 405-408.
Jean, Y. C. ; Ng, B. W. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Walker, D. C. Origin Of The Residual Polarization In Muon Chemistry Studies Of Solvent Mixtures. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1981, 85, 451-454.
Fleming, D. G. ; Garner, D. M. ; Mikula, R. J. Temperature-Dependence Of Muonium Reaction-Rates In The Gas-Phase. Hyperfine Interactions 1981, 8, 337-345.
Mikula, R. J. ; Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. A Temperature-Dependent Study Of The Spin Exchange-Reactions Of Muonium With O-2 And No In The Range 295-K To 478-K. Journal of Chemical Physics 1981, 75, 5362-5367.


Suzuki, T. ; Mikula, R. J. ; Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Measday, D. F. Muon-Capture In Oxides Using The Lifetime Method. Physics Letters B 1980, 95, 202-206.
Mikula, R. J. ; Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. Muonium And Muon Relaxation In The Gas-Phase. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 1980, 25, 1150-1150.
Fleming, D. G. ; Mikula, R. J. ; Garner, D. M. Muonium Spin-Exchange In Low-Pressure Gases - Mu+O2 And Mu+No. Journal of Chemical Physics 1980, 73, 2751-2759.
Mikula, R. J. ; Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. Spin Exchange Cross-Sections For Mu+No And Mu+O2 From 295K To 478K. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 1980, 25, 1150-1150.
Walker, D. C. ; Jean, Y. C. ; Fleming, D. G. Time-Scale Of Intraspur Muonium Formation - Reply. Journal of Chemical Physics 1980, 72, 2902-2904.


Jean, Y. C. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Garner, D. M. ; Walker, D. C. Determination Of The Effective Charge On Muonium During Its Reaction In Aqueous-Solution. Hyperfine Interactions 1979, 6, 409-412.
Nishida, N. ; Nagamine, K. ; Hayano, R. S. ; Yamazaki, T. ; Grynszpan, R. I. ; Stewart, A. T. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Talbotbesnard, S. Diffusion Of Positive Muons In Alpha-Iron Crystals. Hyperfine Interactions 1979, 6, 241-244.
Grynszpan, R. I. ; Nishida, N. ; Nagamine, K. ; Hayano, R. S. ; Yamazaki, T. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Fleming, D. G. Diffusion Of Positive Muons In Zone-Refined Iron Below Room-Temperature. Solid State Communications 1979, 29, 143-147.
Nishida, N. ; Nagamine, K. ; Hayano, R. S. ; Uemura, Y. J. ; Imazato, J. ; Yamazaki, T. ; Miyajima, H. ; Chikazumi, S. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Brewer, J. H. Hyperfine Fields On The Mu+ In Ni Cr And Fesi Alloys. Hyperfine Interactions 1979, 6, 87-91.
Fleming, D. G. ; Becchetti, F. D. ; Flynn, E. R. Inelastic Proton-Scattering And Particle-Vibration Coupling In Sn-115,sn-117, And Sn-119. Physical Review C 1979, 20, 1993-2002.
Walker, D. C. ; Jean, Y. C. ; Fleming, D. G. Muonium Atoms And Intraspur Processes In Water. Journal of Chemical Physics 1979, 70, 4534-4541.
Mikula, R. J. ; Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Marshall, G. M. ; Brewer, J. H. Muonium Formation In Gases. Hyperfine Interactions 1979, 6, 379-383.
Camani, M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Gygax, F. N. ; Ruegg, W. ; Schenck, A. ; Schilling, H. New Results On The Depolarization Of Positive Muons In Copper. Hyperfine Interactions 1979, 6, 265-269.
Fleming, D. G. ; Garner, D. M. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Mikula, R. M. Reaction Dynamics Of The Mu Atom Using Surface Muons In The Gas-Phase. Hyperfine Interactions 1979, 6, 405-408.
Jean, Y. C. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Ng, B. W. ; Walker, D. C. Reaction Of Muonium With O2 In Aqueous-Solution. Chemical Physics Letters 1979, 66, 187-190.


Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Brewer, J. H. Muonium Chemistry - Kinetics Of Gas-Phase Reaction Mu+F2-]Muf+ F From 300 To 400-K. Chemical Physics Letters 1978, 55, 163-167.
Marshall, G. M. ; Warren, J. B. ; Garner, D. M. ; Clark, G. S. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Fleming, D. G. Production Of Thermal Muonium In Vacuum Between Grains Of Fine Silica Powders. Physics Letters A 1978, 65, 351-353.
Jean, Y. C. ; Brewer, J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Garner, D. M. ; Mikula, R. J. ; Vaz, L. C. ; Walker, D. C. Reactivity Of Muonium Atoms In Aqueous-Solution. Chemical Physics Letters 1978, 57, 293-297.
Jean, Y. C. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Walker, D. C. Spin-Conversion Of Muonium By Interaction With Paramagnetic-Ions. Chemical Physics Letters 1978, 60, 125-129.
Nishida, N. ; Nagamine, K. ; Hayano, R. S. ; Yamazaki, T. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Duncan, R. A. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Akhtar, A. ; Yasuoka, H. Temperature-Dependence Of Mu+ Hyperfine Field In Gd And Co And Its Comparison With Other Ferromagnets. Hyperfine Interactions 1978, 4, 318-322.
Nishida, N. ; Nagamine, K. ; Hayano, R. S. ; Yamazaki, T. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Duncan, R. A. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Ahktar, A. ; Yasuoka, H. Local Magnetic-Fields Probed By Mu-+ In Hcp Ferromagnets - Co And Gd. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 1978, 44, 1131-1141.


Fleming, D. G. ; Garner, D. M. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Warren, J. B. ; Marshall, G. M. ; Clark, G. ; Pifer, A. E. ; Bowen, T. Chemical-Reaction Of Muonium With Cl2 In Gas-Phase. Chemical Physics Letters 1977, 48, 393-398.
Nishida, N. ; Hayano, R. S. ; Nagamine, K. ; Yamazaki, T. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Takeuchi, T. ; Ishikawa, Y. Hyperfine Field And Diffusion Of Mu+ In Fe Single-Crystals. Solid State Communications 1977, 22, 235-239.
Nishida, N. ; Hayano, R. S. ; Nagamine, K. ; Yamazaki, T. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Takeuchi, T. ; Ishikawa, Y. Mu+ Hyperfine Field And Relaxation In Fe Single-Crystal. Physica B & C 1977, 86, 261-262.
Fleming, D. G. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Garner, D. M. Muonium Chemistry In Gas-Phase. Berichte Der Bunsen-Gesellschaft-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 1977, 81, 159-160.
Nagamine, K. ; Nishida, N. ; Hayano, R. S. ; Yamazaki, T. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Fleming, D. G. Temperature-Dependence Of Mu+ Hyperfine Field In Ferromagnets. Physica B & C 1977, 86, 259-260.


Grabowski, J. W. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Vogt, E. W. (P,d) Reaction At Intermediate Beam Energies .1. Plane-Wave Born Approximation (Semi-Analytical) Calculations. Canadian Journal of Physics 1976, 54, 870-888.
Fleming, D. G. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Garner, D. M. ; Pifer, A. E. ; Bowen, T. ; Delise, D. A. ; Crowe, K. M. Muonium Chemistry In Gases - Mu+Br-2. Journal of Chemical Physics 1976, 64, 1281-1287.


Brewer, J. H. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Crowe, K. M. ; Johnson, R. F. ; Patterson, B. D. ; Portis, A. M. ; Gygax, F. N. ; Schenck, A. Mu+Sr Spectroscopy - Positive Muon As A Magnetic Probe In Solids. Physica Scripta 1975, 11, 144-148.


Brewer, J. H. ; Crowe, K. M. ; Gygax, F. N. ; Johnson, R. F. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Schenck, A. Muonium Chemistry In Liquids - Evidence For Transient Radicals. Physical Review A 1974, 9, 495-507.
Fleming, D. G. ; Arima, A. ; , ; Blann, M. O-18 (P,t) O-16 Reaction And Coexistence Model Of O-16. Physical Review C 1974, 10, 1350-1361.
Lemmon, R. M. ; Crowe, K. M. ; Gygax, F. N. ; Johnson, R. F. ; , ; Brewer, J. H. ; Fleming, D. G. Search For Selectivity Between Optical Isomers In Reactions Of Polarized Positive Muons With Alanines And Octanols. Nature 1974, 252, 692-694.


Fleming, D. G. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Crowe, K. M. Effect Of Ligand Fields Upon Mu+ Relaxation In Paramagnetic Solutions. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 1973, 18, 1571-1571.
Brewer, J. H. ; Gygax, F. N. ; Fleming, D. G. Mechanism For Mu(+) Depolarization In Liquids - Muonium Chemistry With Radical Formation. Physical Review A 1973, 8, 77-86.
Fleming, D. G. ; Gunther, C. ; Hagemann, G. ; Herskind, B. Study Of (P,t) Reaction On Even Gadolinium Nuclei. Physical Review C 1973, 8, 806-818.