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Colin Fyfe


Research and Teaching Interests

Dr. Fyfe's general area of interest is in the application of NMR spectroscopy to the investigation and characterization of solids of chemical interest and includes the synthesis of a wide variety of materials and construction of appropriate hardware and the use of complementary techniques such as X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. Current efforts emphasize high resolution solid-state NMR techniques and NMR microimaging.

In contrast to NMR spectra of liquids and solutions where very narrow signals are observed which can be used for structure elucidations, the NMR spectra of solids generally exhibit broad, mainly featureless absorptions. It is now possible to obtain the same "isotropic average" spectra in the solid state by a combination of the techniques of magnetic dilution, dipolar decoupling and &quo t;Magic Angle" spinning and to increase the signal/noise by cross-polarization. These spectra may be used to determine the structures of solid materials, even if they are non-crystalline, and a large range of nuclei such as 13C, 29Si, 27Al, 11B, 31P can be easily observed. Using these techniques we are investigating a wide variety of solids including polymers, catalysts, gels, surfaces, zeolites and organic and organometallic solids.

In NMR imaging, the three-dimensional distribution of a liquid within a solid matrix may be determined in a non-invasive and nondestructive manner (It should be emphasized that only the mobile component is imaged). Current work is centered on multinuclear imaging of small samples with as high a resolution as possible and investigating the effect of temperature on tissue treated with cryoprotectants and the interaction of polymers and composites with liquids and gases.

                                             Lattice structure of zeolite ZSM-5 (Mobil Corp.)

Lattice structure of zeolite ZSM-5 (Mobil Corp.), the "wonder catalyst" which converts methanol to gasoline together with its high-resolution 29Si MAS NMR spectrum. Changes in the spectra as a function of temperature and when organic molecules are added indicate that the lattice structure changes to accommodate the guest organics.

Fyfe Group - Richard zeolite


Fyfe Group


Real name: 

Curriculum Vitae

B.Sc., St. Andrews (1964); Ph.D., St. Andrews (R. Foster, 1966); Medical Research Council Fellow, St. Andrews (1966-67); Killam Postdoctoral Fellow, U.B.C. (C.A. McDowell, 1967-69); Assistant Professor, Guelph (1969-72); Associate Professor, Guelph (1972-78); Professor, Guelph (1978-87); Merck, Sharp and Dohme Award (1981); Sigma Xi Award (1984); Canada Council Killam Research Fellow (1985-87); Barringer Award of Canadian Spectroscopy Society (1985); Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (1986); Senior Killam Award (1991).



Fyfe, C. A. ; Lee, J. S. J. ; Cranswick, L. M. D. ; Swainson, I. Powder Neutron Diffraction Determination Of The Structure Of The O-Xylene/zeolite Zsm-5 Complex. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2008, 112, 299-307.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Lee, J. S. J. Solid-State Nmr Determination Of The Zeolite Zsm-5/ortho-Xylene Host-Guest Crystal Structure. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008, 112, 500-513.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Darton, R. J. ; Schneider, C. ; Scheffler, F. Solid-State Nmr Investigation Of The Possible Existence Of "nanoblocks" In The Clear Solution Synthesis Of Mfi Materials. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008, 112, 80-88.


Kasai, M. ; Lewis, A. R. ; Ayabe, S. ; Hatae, K. ; Fyfe, C. A. Quantitative Nmr Imaging Study Of The Cooking Of Japonica And Indica Rice. Food Research International 2007, 40, 1020-1029.


Fyfe, C. A. ; Brouwer, D. H. Optimization, Standardization, And Testing Of A New Nmr Method For The Determination Of Zeolite Host-Organic Guest Crystal Structures. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006, 128, 11860-11871.
Brouwer, D. H. ; Chezeau, J. M. ; Fyfe, C. A. Solid State Nmr Investigation Of The Structure Of Alpo4-14A. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2006, 88, 163-169.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Brouwer, D. H. Determination Of The Location Of Naphthalene In The Zeolite Zsm-5 Host Framework By Solid-State H-1/si-29 Cp Mas Nmr Spectroscopy. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 2006, 84, 345-355.


Gardiennet, C. ; Marica, F. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Tekely, P. Determining The Geometry Of Strongly Hydrogen-Bonded Silanols In A Layered Hydrous Silicate By Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Journal of Chemical Physics 2005, 122, 10.
Kasai, M. ; Lewis, A. ; Marica, F. ; Ayabe, S. ; Hatae, K. ; Fyfe, C. A. Nmr Imaging Investigation Of Rice Cooking. Food Research International 2005, 38, 403-410.
Brouwer, D. H. ; Kristiansen, P. E. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Levitt, M. H. Symmetry-Based Si-29 Dipolar Recoupling Magic Angle Spinning Nmr Spectroscopy: A New Method For Investigating Three-Dimensional Structures Of Zeolite Frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127, 542-543.


Moorlag, C. ; Yang, Q. Z. ; Troczynski, T. ; Bretherton, J. ; Fyfe, C. Aluminum Phosphates Derived From Alumina And Alumina-Sol-Gel Systems. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2004, 87, 2064-2071.
Do, T. O. ; Nossov, A. ; Springuel-Huet, M. A. ; Schneider, C. ; Bretherton, J. L. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Kaliaguine, S. Zeolite Nanoclusters Coated Onto The Mesopore Walls Of Sba-15. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2004, 126, 14324-14325.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Brouwer, D. H. Effect Of Molecular Oxygen On The Variable-Temperature Si-29 Mas Nmr Spectra Of Zeolite-Sorbate Complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2004, 126, 1306-1307.
Darton, R. J. ; Brouwer, D. H. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Villaescusa, L. A. ; Morris, R. E. Solid-State Nmr Studies Of The Fluoride-Containing Zeolite Ssz-44. Chemistry of Materials 2004, 16, 600-603.
Darton, R. J. ; Brouwer, D. H. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Villaescusa, L. A. ; Morris, R. E. Measuring The Silion Fluoride Bond Distance In Zeolites. In Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials, Pts a - C; VanSteen, E. ; Claeys, M. ; Callanan, L. H. ; Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials, Pts a - C; Elsevier Science Bv: Amsterdam, 2004; Vol. 154, pp. 1319-1323.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Bretherton, J. L. ; Skibsted, J. ; Zahedi-Niaki, M. H. ; Kalliaguine, S. Solid State Nmr Studies Of The Hydration Of Molecular Sieve Alpo-36. In Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials, Pts a - C; VanSteen, E. ; Claeys, M. ; Callanan, L. H. ; Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials, Pts a - C; Elsevier Science Bv: Amsterdam, 2004; Vol. 154, pp. 1238-1245.


Groat, L. A. ; Chakoumakos, B. C. ; Brouwer, D. H. ; Hoffman, C. M. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Morell, H. ; Schultz, A. J. The Amblygonite (Lialpo4F)-Montebrasite (Lialpo4Oh) Solid Solution: A Combined Powder And Single-Crystal Neutron Diffraction And Solid-State Li-6 Mas, Cp Mas, And Redor Nmr Study. American Mineralogist 2003, 88, 195-210.
Fechtelkord, M. ; Behrens, H. ; Holtz, F. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Groat, L. A. ; Raudsepp, M. Influence Of F Content On The Composition Of Al-Rich Synthetic Phlogopite: Part 1. New Information On Structure And Phase-Formation From Si-29, H-1, And F-19 Mas Nmr Spectroscopies. American Mineralogist 2003, 88, 47-53.


Morell, H. ; Angermund, K. ; Lewis, A. R. ; Brouwer, D. H. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Gies, H. Structural Investigation Of Silicalite-I Loaded With N-Hexane By X-Ray Diffraction, Si-29 Mas Nmr, And Molecular Modeling. Chemistry of Materials 2002, 14, 2192-2198.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Brouwer, D. H. ; Lewis, A. R. ; Villaescusa, L. A. ; Morris, R. E. Combined Solid State Nmr And X-Ray Diffraction Investigation Of The Local Structure Of The Five-Coordinate Silicon In Fluoride-Containing As-Synthesized Stf Zeolite. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2002, 124, 7770-7778.
McLean, B. W. ; Boraston, A. B. ; Brouwer, D. ; Sanaie, N. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Warren, R. A. J. ; Kilburn, D. G. ; Haynes, C. A. Carbohydrate-Binding Modules Recognize Fine Substructures Of Cellulose. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2002, 277, 50245-50254.


Daniels, P. ; Fyfe, C. A. Al,si Order In The Crystal Structure Of Alpha-Eucryptite (Lialsio4). American Mineralogist 2001, 86, 279-283.
Fechtelkord, M. ; Posnatzki, B. ; Buhl, J. C. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Groat, L. A. ; Raudsepp, M. Characterization Of Synthetic Cs-Li Cancrinite Grown In A Butanediol-Water System: An Nmr Spectroscopic And Rietveld Refinement Study. American Mineralogist 2001, 86, 881-888.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Brouwer, D. H. ; Lewis, A. R. ; Chezeau, J. M. Location Of The Fluoride Ion In Tetrapropylammonium Fluoride Silicalite-1 Determined By H-1/f-19/si-29 Triple Resonance Cp, Redor, And Tedor Nmr Experiments. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2001, 123, 6882-6891.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Skibsted, J. ; Schwieger, W. Solid-State Nmr Characterization Of The Mineral Searlesite And Its Detection In Complex Synthesis Mixtures. Inorganic Chemistry 2001, 40, 5906-5912.


Fyfe, C. A. ; Blazek-Welsh, A. I. Quantitative Nmr Imaging Study Of The Mechanism Of Drug Release From Swelling Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose Tablets. Journal of Controlled Release 2000, 68, 313-333.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Brouwer, D. H. Solid-State Nmr And X-Ray Diffraction Structural Investigations Of The P-Nitroaniline/zsm-5 Complex. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2000, 39, 291-305.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Grondey, H. ; Blazek-Welsh, A. I. ; Chopra, S. K. ; Fahie, B. J. Nmr Imaging Investigations Of Drug Delivery Devices Using A Flow-Through Usp Dissolution Apparatus. Journal of Controlled Release 2000, 68, 73-83.
Hochgrafe, M. ; Gies, H. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Feng, Y. ; Grondey, H. Lattice Energy-Minimization Calculation In The Further Investigation Of Xrd And Nmr Studies Of Zeolite Frameworks. Chemistry of Materials 2000, 12, 336-342.


Fyfe, C. A. ; Lewis, A. R. ; Chezeau, J. M. A Comparison Of Nmr Distance Determinations In The Solid State By Cross Polarization, Redor, And Tedor Techniques. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1999, 77, 1984-1993.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Altenschildesche, H. M. Z. ; Skibsted, J. Characterization Of Na5P3O10 Polymorphs By Na-23 Mas, Na-23 Mqmas, And P-31 Mas Nmr Spectroscopy. Inorganic Chemistry 1999, 38, 84-92.
Zahedi-Niaki, M. H. ; Xu, G. Y. ; Meyer, H. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Kaliaguine, S. Synthesis And Characterization Of Alpo4-36: A Novel Aluminophosphate Molecular Sieve With Ats Structure. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 1999, 32, 241-250.


Preston, C. M. ; Trofymow, J. A. ; Niu, J. ; Fyfe, C. A. (13)Cpmas-Nmr Spectroscopy And Chemical Analysis Of Coarse Woody Debris In Coastal Forests Of Vancouver Island. Forest Ecology and Management 1998, 111, 51-68.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Blazek, A. I. Complications In Investigations Of The Swelling Of Hydrogel Matrices Due To The Presence Of Trapped Gas. Journal of Controlled Release 1998, 52, 221-225.
Gies, H. ; Marler, B. ; Vortmann, S. ; Oberhagemann, U. ; Bayat, P. ; Krink, K. ; Rius, J. ; Wolf, I. ; Fyfe, C. New Structures - New Insights: Progress In Structure Analysis Of Nanoporous Materials. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 1998, 21, 183-197.
Fahie, B. J. ; Nangia, A. ; Chopra, S. K. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Grondey, H. ; Blazek, A. Use Of Nmr Imaging In The Optimization Of A Compression-Coated Regulated Release System. Journal of Controlled Release 1998, 51, 179-184.
Schwieger, W. ; Altenschildesche, H. M. Z. ; Kokotailo, G. T. ; Fyfe, C. A. Low Temperature Syntheses Of Highly-Ordered Framework Materials: The Aluminium Phosphate Ammonium Taranakite. Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie 1998, 624, 1712-1717.


Isbell, S. A. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Ammons, R. L. M. ; Pearson, B. Measurement Of Cryoprotective Solvent Penetration Into Intact Organ Tissues Using High-Field Nmr Microimaging. Cryobiology 1997, 35, 165-172.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Altenschildesche, H. M. Z. ; Wong-Moon, K. C. ; Grondey, H. ; Chezeau, J. M. 1D And 2D Solid State Nmr Investigations Of The Framework Structure Of As-Synthesized Alpo4-14. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 1997, 9, 97-106.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Lewis, A. R. ; Chezeau, J. M. ; Grondey, H. F-19/si-29 Distance Determinations In Fluoride-Containing Octadecasil From Solid-State Nmr Measurements. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1997, 119, 12210-12222.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Skibsted, J. ; Grondey, H. ; Altenschildesche, H. M. zu Pulsed Field Gradient Multiple-Quantum Mas Nmr Spectroscopy Of Half-Integer Spin Quadrupolar Nuclei. Chemical Physics Letters 1997, 281, 44-48.


Fyfe, C. A. ; Wongmoon, K. C. ; Huang, Y. Al-27/p-31 Solid-State Nmr Structural Investigations Of Alpo4-5 Molecular Sieve. Zeolites 1996, 16, 50-55.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Mel, Z. ; Grondey, H. Investigation Of Fluorocarbon Blowing Agents In Insulating Polymer Foams By F-19 Nmr Imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1996, 14, 887-889.
Hochgrafe, M. ; Marler, B. ; Gies, H. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Feng, Y. ; Grondey, H. ; Kokotailo, G. T. The Structure Of The Low Temperature (20 K) Form Of Zeolite Zsm-11 Derived From Si-29 Mas Nmr Spectroscopy, Lattice Energy Minimization And Rietveld Refinement. Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie 1996, 211, 221-227.


Fyfe, C. A. ; Wongmoon, K. C. ; Huang, Y. ; Grondey, H. ; Mueller, K. T. Dipolar-Based Al-27-]Si-29 Solid-State Nmr Connectivity Experiments In Zeolite Molecular-Sieve Frameworks. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1995, 99, 8707-8716.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Niu, J. ; Mok, K. Synthesis And Characterization Of Polyfunctional Cross-Linking Agents For Cyanate Resins. Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry 1995, 33, 1191-1202.
Fu, G. Y. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Schwieger, W. ; Kokotailo, G. T. Structure Organization Of Aluminosilicate Polyanions With Surfactants - Optimization Of Al Incorporation In Aluminosilicate Mesostructural Materials. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 1995, 34, 1499-1502.
Schwieger, W. ; Pohl, K. ; Brenn, U. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Grondey, H. ; Fu, G. ; Kokotailo, G. T. Isomorphous Substitution Of Silicon By Boron Or Aluminum In Layered Silicates. In Catalysis by Microporous Materials; Beyer, H. K. ; Karge, H. G. ; Kiricsi, I. ; Nagy, J. B. ; Catalysis by Microporous Materials; Elsevier Science Publ B V: Amsterdam, 1995; Vol. 94, pp. 47-54.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Grondey, H. ; Diaz, A. C. ; Kokotailo, G. T. ; Feng, Y. ; Huang, Y. ; Wongmoon, K. C. ; Mueller, K. T. ; Strobl, H. ; Lewis, A. R. One And Two-Dimensional Solid-State Nmr Investigations Of The Three-Dimensional Structures Of Zeolite-Organic Sorbate Complexes. In Zeolites: A Refined Tool for Designing Catalytic Sites; Bonneviot, L. ; Kaliaguine, S. ; Zeolites: A Refined Tool for Designing Catalytic Sites; Elsevier Science Publ B V: Amsterdam, 1995; Vol. 97, pp. 1-10.
Kokotailo, G. T. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Feng, Y. ; Grondey, H. ; Gies, H. ; Marler, B. ; Cox, D. E. Powder X-Ray Diffraction And Solid State Nmr Techniques For Zeolite Structure Determination. In Catalysis by Microporous Materials; Beyer, H. K. ; Karge, H. G. ; Kiricsi, I. ; Nagy, J. B. ; Catalysis by Microporous Materials; Elsevier Science Publ B V: Amsterdam, 1995; Vol. 94, pp. 78-100.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Wongmoon, K. C. ; Huang, Y. ; Grondey, H. Inept Experiments In Solid-State Nmr. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1995, 117, 10397-10398.


Fyfe, C. A. ; Niu, J. ; Rettig, S. J. ; Wang, D. W. ; Poliks, M. D. Nmr Investigations Of The Possible Cross-Reactions Between Cyanate And Epoxy-Resins. Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry 1994, 32, 2203-2221.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Wongmoon, K. C. ; Grondey, H. ; Mueller, K. T. Increased Efficiency Of Coherence Transfer In Cross-Polarization Nmr From Quadrupolar Nuclei - Dynamic-Angle Cross-Polarization. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1994, 98, 2139-2142.
Fox, C. A. ; Preston, C. M. ; Fyfe, C. A. Micromorphological And C-13 Nmr Characterization Of A Humic, Lignic, And Histic Folisol From British-Columbia. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 1994, 74, 1-15.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Mueller, K. T. ; Wongmoon, K. C. Cross-Polarization Processes Involving Less Common Pairs Of Nuclei. In Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Modern Technology; Maciel, G. E. ; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Modern Technology; Kluwer Academic Publ: Dordrecht, 1994; Vol. 447, pp. 447-482.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Fu, G. Y. ; Grondey, H. Pillaring Of Layered Double Hydroxides With Cage-Like Polysilicates - A Possible New Class Of Base Catalysts Or Catalyst Precursors. In Better Ceramics through Chemistry Vi; Cheetham, A. K. ; Brinker, C. J. ; Mecartney, M. L. ; Sanchez, C. ; Better Ceramics through Chemistry Vi; Materials Research Soc: Pittsburgh, 1994; Vol. 346, pp. 907-913.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Kokotailo, G. T. Solid State Nmr Investigations Of Zeolites And Related Materials. In Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Modern Technology; Maciel, G. E. ; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Modern Technology; Kluwer Academic Publ: Dordrecht, 1994; Vol. 447, pp. 277-337.


Marler, B. ; Deroche, C. ; Gies, H. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Grondey, H. ; Kokotailo, G. T. ; Feng, Y. ; Ernst, S. ; Weitkamp, J. ; Cox, D. E. The Structure Of Zeolite Zsm-23 (Mtt) Refined From Synchrotron X-Ray-Powder Data. Journal of Applied Crystallography 1993, 26, 636-644.
Niessner, N. ; Muhlebach, A. ; Lyerla, J. R. ; Facey, G. A. ; Fyfe, C. A. Synthesis Of Isotopically Labeled Monomers And Polymers Of 4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid And 6-Hydroxy-2-Naphthoic Acid. Makromolekulare Chemie-Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 1993, 194, 649-663.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Mueller, K. T. ; Grondey, H. ; Wongmoon, K. C. Solid-State Double-Resonance Nmr Experiments Involving Quadrupolar And Spin 1/2 Nuclei. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1993, 97, 13484-13495.


Fyfe, C. A. ; Mueller, K. T. ; Grondey, H. ; Wongmoon, K. C. Dipolar Dephasing Between Quadrupolar And Spin-1/2 Nuclei - Redor And Tedor Nmr Experiments On Vpi-5. Chemical Physics Letters 1992, 199, 198-204.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Fahie, B. J. ; Lyerla, J. R. ; Economy, J. ; Niessner, N. ; Muhlebach, A. ; Facey, G. A. Demonstration Of The Liquid-Crystalline Behavior Of A Rigid-Backbone Polyester In A Magnetic-Field. Macromolecules 1992, 25, 1623-1624.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Grondey, H. ; Mueller, K. T. ; Wongmoon, K. C. ; Markus, T. Coherence Transfer Involving Quadrupolar Nuclei In Solids - Al-27-Reversible-Arrow-P-31 Cross-Polarization Nmr In The Molecular-Sieve Vpi-5. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1992, 114, 5876-5878.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Grondey, H. ; Feng, Y. ; Kokotailo, G. T. ; Ernst, S. ; Weitkamp, J. 2-Dimensional Solid-State Si-29 Nmr Investigation Of The 3-Dimensional Bonding Connectivities And Structure Of Zeolite Zsm-23. Zeolites 1992, 12, 50-53.
Chivers, T. ; Edwards, M. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Randall, L. H. Solid-State P-31 Nmr Investigations Of Unsaturated Phosphorus Nitrogen Sulfur Rings. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 1992, 30, 1220-1223.


Gies, H. ; Marler, B. ; Fyfe, C. ; Kokotailo, G. ; Feng, Y. ; Cox, D. E. The Combination Of Synchrotron Powder Diffraction And High-Resolution Solid-State Nmr Experiments. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 1991, 52, 1235-1241.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Feng, Y. ; Grondey, H. ; Kokotailo, G. T. ; Gies, H. One-Dimensional And 2-Dimensional High-Resolution Solid-State Nmr-Studies Of Zeolite Lattice Structures. Chemical Reviews 1991, 91, 1525-1543.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Feng, Y. ; Grondey, H. ; Kokotailo, G. T. ; Mar, A. Natural Abundance, 2-Dimensional Si-29 Mas Nmr Investigation Of The 3-Dimensional Bonding Connectivities In The High-Temperature And Low-Temperature Forms Of Zeolite Zsm-11. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1991, 95, 3747-3751.
Kokotailo, G. T. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Feng, Y. ; Grondey, H. Characterization Of Zeolite-Cracking Catalysts. In Fluid Catalytic Cracking Ii - Concepts in Catalyst Design; Occelli, M. L. ; Fluid Catalytic Cracking Ii - Concepts in Catalyst Design; Amer Chemical Soc: Washington, 1991; Vol. 452, pp. 27-44.
Kokotailo, G. T. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Feng, Y. ; Grondey, H. Characterization Of Zeolite-Cracking Catalysts. Acs Symposium Series 1991, 452, 27-44.


Fyfe, C. A. ; Feng, Y. ; Gies, H. ; Grondey, H. ; Kokotailo, G. T. Natural-Abundance 2-Dimensional Solid-State Si-29 Nmr Investigations Of 3-Dimensional Lattice Connectivities In Zeolite Structures. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1990, 112, 3264-3270.
Lyerla, J. R. ; Economy, J. ; Maresch, G. G. ; Muhlebach, A. ; Yannoni, C. S. ; Fyfe, C. A. Molecular-Motion In The Homopolyester Of 4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid. Acs Symposium Series 1990, 435, 359-368.
Oehler, U. M. ; Janzen, E. G. ; Betteridge, K. ; Fyfe, C. ; Towner, R. A. ; Savage, N. ; Scodras, J. Investigations Of The Horse Conceptus Via Magnetic-Resonance-Imaging (Mri) And Nitroxide Spin Labels As Contrast Agents. Free Radical Research Communications 1990, 9, 391-397.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Feng, Y. ; Grondey, H. ; Kokotailo, G. T. Characterization Of A High-Loaded Intercalate Of Para-Xylene With A Highly Siliceous Form Of Zsm-5 By High-Resolution Si-29 Solid-State Nmr-Spectroscopy. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications 1990, 1224-1226.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Grondey, H. ; Feng, Y. ; Kokotailo, G. T. Investigation Of The 3-Dimensional Si-O-Si Connectivities In The Monoclinic Form Of Zeolite Zsm-5 By 2-Dimensional Si-29 Inadequate Experiments. Chemical Physics Letters 1990, 173, 211-215.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Grondey, H. ; Feng, Y. ; Kokotailo, G. T. Natural-Abundance 2-Dimensional Si-29 Mas Nmr Investigation Of The 3-Dimensional Bonding Connectivities In The Zeolite Catalyst Zsm-5. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1990, 112, 8812-8820.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Gies, H. ; Kokotailo, G. T. ; Marler, B. ; Cox, D. E. Crystal-Structure Of Silica-Zsm-12 By The Combined Use Of High-Resolution Solid-State Mas Nmr-Spectroscopy And Synchrotron X-Ray-Powder Diffraction. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1990, 94, 3718-3721.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Gies, H. A Si-29 Nmr-Study Of Natural And Synthetic Melanophlogites, The Silica Analogs Of The Clathrate Hydrates Of Type-1. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry 1990, 8, 235-239.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Gies, H. ; Feng, Y. ; Grondey, H. 2-Dimensional Si-29 Mas Nmr Investigation Of The 3-Dimensional Structure Of Zeolite Dd3R. Zeolites 1990, 10, 278-282.


Fyfe, C. A. ; Gies, H. ; Feng, Y. Demonstration Of 3-Dimensional Lattice Connectivities In Zeolites By Two-Dimensional High-Resolution Solid-State Nmr-Spectroscopy. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications 1989, 1240-1242.
Fyfe, C. A. ; Gies, H. ; Kokotailo, G. T. ; Pasztor, C. ; Strobl, H. ; Cox, D. E. Detailed Investigation Of The Lattice Structure Of Zeolite Zsm-11 By A Combination Of Solid-State Nmr And Synchrotron X-Ray-Diffraction Techniques. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1989, 111, 2470-2474.
Kokotailo, G. T. ; Fyfe, C. A. Zeolites - Unique Materials For Research And Industry. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 1989, 50, 441-447.


Fyfe, C. A. ; Strobl, H. ; Gies, H. ; Kokotailo, G. T. High-Resolution Solid-State Nmr Investigation Of The Nature Of The Interaction Between Organic Substrates And The Zeolite Zsm-5 Lattice. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1988, 66, 1942-1947.
Fyfe, C. A. Mcdowell,charles,a. - Dedication. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1988, 66, R3-R3.


Fyfe, C. A. ; Gilson, D. F. R. ; Thompson, K. H. Molecular Motion In Solid Pyrene. Chemical Physics Letters 1970, 5, 215-217.


Fyfe, C. A. ; McDowell, C. A. Molecular Motion Is Solid Tropylium Salts. Chemical Physics Letters 1968, 2, 170-172.